Cwm Taf LHB - SBAR Report


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Presentation transcript:

Cwm Taf LHB - SBAR Report 11th May 2010 Cwm Taf LHB - SBAR Report Presenter: Executive Medical Director Shona Sullivan PREVENT PROTECT PROMOTE Ill Health Good Health Better Health

Situation Aim: To reduce clinical harm, waste and variation across Cwm Taf health community Implement 1000 Lives+ mandatory targets Use 1000 Lives methodology for other key interventions Integration within SWAFF programme PREVENT PROTECT PROMOTE Ill Health Good Health Better Health

Background 1000 Lives Campaign success in Cwm Taf Examples of key interventions: Work streams established Joint Executive Walk Rounds Patient stories widely used across health community MEWS & SBAR roll out WHO surgical checklist implemented GP & staff culture surveys Infection control audit tool & training package developed for nursing homes Pneumococcal audit and subsequent vaccination programme within nursing home setting Joint working with Medicines management Compliance with ICU Bundles/ Central Line Bundles PREVENT PROTECT PROMOTE Ill Health Good Health Better Health

Assessment Harm Mortality Care Bundles Pathways Communication Outcomes Drivers Care Bundles Pathways Harm Mortality Communication Mortality & Harm Data quality PREVENT PROTECT PROMOTE Ill Health Good Health Better Health

Recommendations Drivers Interventions Tests of Change Care Bundles %Compliance with bundles Bacteraemia rates Pressure ulcer rates Severe Sepsis Central Venous Catheters Skin Care Care Bundles C Diff Acute Stroke Thromboprophylaxis %Compliance with pathways C Diff rates Mortality reviews %Compliance with standards Pathways H@N Handover – MEWS score Clinical record keeping Medicines reconciliation Communication PREVENT PROTECT PROMOTE Ill Health Good Health Better Health

Recommendations Drivers Interventions Tests of Change Mortality & Harm % Completed reviews GTT monthly each DGH Primary Care TT Pilot Mortality review Mortality & Harm %Compliance with standards Depth of coding Timeliness Clinical Coding review Data quality PREVENT PROTECT PROMOTE Ill Health Good Health Better Health