Effective Advocacy for Adequate Mental Health Funding Presented by: Paul A. Jeffrey, Vice President – Administrator Wesley Long Community Hospital Greensboro, North Carolina Member of AHA Section for Psychiatric & Substance Abuse Services Governing Council
Advocacy: An Imperative Healthcare in America To Corporate America: Optional Cost of Doing Business To Insurance Industry: Losses Behavioral Health Challenges Stigma Not Medical Denial Sign of Weakness
Leadership: Working on the System vs in the System Dynamic: Pro-Active vs Reactive Yesterday: missed opportunity; Tomorrow: too late. Focus: Leading People vs Managing Work Energy: Passion vs Control You are either on the way or in the way.
Link Your Political Power Your Patients & Community Schedule the Appointment Prepare for the Meeting Stay Focused Be prompt but Patient Leave Something Behind Follow-up Visit Frequently
Strategic Plan Active Roles in Behavioral Health Advocacy Local: Mental Health Association – Greensboro: Grant Recipient for Community Service Gap Analysis Establishment of County Mental Court; Concept and Funding Guilford County Mental Health Coalition United Way of Greensboro: Joseph B. Bryan Foundation Human Services Committee State: NCHA, NCMHA, NCNAMI Increased NC MH/SA/DD Annual Budget by $100MM Emphasized funding support of existent community hospitals instead of free-standing crisis centers. Mental Health Parity
Strategic Plan (continued) National AHA of Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services Governing Council Grassroots efforts to stop Medicaid Rule that Cuts Funding Grassroots Efforts to Reauthorize and Expand SCHIP Unified Health Care Policy IMD EMTALA Mental Health Parity