The Primary Deities of the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds The Olympians The Primary Deities of the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds
ZEUS Roman Name(s): Jupiter, Jove God of the skies Leader of the gods and goddesses
HERA Roman Name: Juno Protector of marriage Jealous wife of Zeus
POSEIDON Roman Name: Neptune God of the seas
HADES Roman Name: Pluto God of the underworld
DEMETER Roman Name: Ceres Goddess of the harvest (the fruitfulness of the earth)
HESTIA Roman Name: Vesta Protector of the hearth and home Original member of the Olympian council – gave her seat to Dionysus
ATHENA Roman Name: Minerva Goddess of wisdom and battle
APOLLO Roman Name: Apollo God of light, truth, prophecy, and the arts Often known as Phoebus Apollo Twin brother of Artemis
ARTEMIS Roman Name: Diana Goddess of the hunt, protector of female chastity Twin sister of Apollo
ARES Roman Name: Mars God of war and pestilence Aphrodite’s lover
APHRODITE Roman Name: Venus Goddess of love and beauty Married to Hephaestus
HEPHAESTUS Roman Name: Vulcan God of fire and smiths Aphrodite’s husband
DIONYSUS Roman Name: Bacchus God of wine, revelry, and drama Last Olympian to join the Council Dionysus’ story includes his yearly death and resurrection
HERMES Roman Name: Mercury Messenger god; god of commerce and thieves, protector of travelers
Cronus Roman Name: Saturn Leader of the titans; father of the primary Olympians Father Time (chronology)