Academic Science B Ms. Philavane What is Ecology? Academic Science B Ms. Philavane
Biology Content Standard 6 Ecology Study of the interactions among the organisms and their environment or surroundings. Biology Content Standard 6
Biology Content Standard 6 Ecology Since all living organisms are located on Earth, it is often called a biosphere What does bio + sphere mean? bio = life; sphere = globe Bio + sphere = living globe Biology Content Standard 6
Levels of Organization Ecologists study relationships in the biosphere on many levels from the entire biosphere to the single individual. Biology Content Standard 6
Biology Content Standard 6 Biosphere Includes all parts of the planet in which life exists, including land, water, air or the atmosphere. Biology Content Standard 6
Biology Content Standard 6 Biome A group of ecosystems that have the same climate and similar dominant communities. Biology Content Standard 6
Biology Content Standard 6 How do you study a biome? When ecologists study an individual biome, it is usually broken down into smaller parts called ecosystems. Biology Content Standard 6
Biology Content Standard 6 Ecosystem A collection of all the organisms (biotic factors) that live in a particular place, together with their nonliving, or physical, environment (abiotic factors). Biology Content Standard 6
Biology Content Standard 6 Community Different populations that live together in a defined area. Biology Content Standard 6
Biology Content Standard 6 Populations Group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area. Biology Content Standard 6
Biology Content Standard 6 Individual Species A group of organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring. Biology Content Standard 6