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Presentation transcript:

CORE outcomes and follow up Author: JM Museux Eurostat Contact

ESS Vision implementation Industrialisation and interoperability are the corner stones of the Vision & Joint Strategy implementation Proposed prioritised strategic developments: ESS is provided with a common reference architecture for building statistical instruments and production processes The collaboration among different stakeholders along the same production processes is organised in an efficient way 2

ESSnet CORE – a proof of concept Architecture for a statistical production system composed of several processes by assembling a set of independent services Platform independent distributed architecture model ("plug and play" architecture) Flexible design of statistical processes Reuse of existing software components Services to be developed independently or cooperatively and shared Common information model to support communication between services and their automation Process registry which stores and makes available reference production processes 3

CORE in the ESS – issues Scope of CORE in the ESS in the 5 to 10 years ? A technical standard for tool development/sharing in the ESS and beyond ? A framework for optimising key multi stakeholders sub-processes ? Improvement of technical architecture: Prototypes development 4 4

ESS-VIP supporting the deployment of CORE Design a work programme for the next 5 years early gains in the 2 years to come (eg. a process industrialised) involving MSs and Eurostat measures of benefit Go life process June : Development of the business case July : Eurostat management decision (stop or continue) September : detailed planning and costs/benefits November : ESSC decision Start of the projects : 2013 5 5