Delivering a Diverse Civil Service The 10 Point Plan Waqar Azmi, Chief Diversity Adviser
The new 10 Point Plan The UK Civil Service is changing: as part of a radical transformation programme Civil Service Reform: Delivery and Values it is launching a 10PP on workforce diversity The new Plan aims at increasing diversity in the CS workforce, especially at senior level The 10 PP was developed by Waqar Azmi, the chief Diversity Adviser, following a review on Diversity and equality in employment across the Civil Service, in consultation with the DCN, HRDs and other stakeholders such as CCSU and staff networks. The CSMB gave a full and firm endorsement to the plan
Stepping up the pace 10-Point Plan sets out ambitious programme of work for next three years It commits to 10 key areas that will accelerate progress towards increased visible diversity at senior levels as a signal of broader and deeper cultural change
The 10 Key areas for change Targets Measurement and Evaluation Building capacity to deliver on Diversity Leadership and accountability Recruitment Development Behaviour and culture change Diversity impact of the Efficiency and Relocation reviews Embedding/mainstreaming diversity Communication
Priorities Targets and delivery plans The Government has set new targets for representation of diversity groups in the SCS The agreed targets to achieve by 2008 are: 37% Women in the SCS 30% Women in Top Management Posts 4% Ethnic Minorities in SCS 3.2% People with Disabilities in SCS
Priorities Targets and delivery plans The 10PP commits Departments to also set their own internal targets for SCS and feeder grades embed targets in Permanent Secs PPAs/PPOs Action to implement the 10PP will be driven by the Network of Diversity Champions Give brief overview of what feeder grades are and why we believe they are important to be taken into account Explain what is the commitment we expect from permanent secretaries A little about the DCN, launched in July 2004, senior board level representatives from each department. Your role as chief diversity adviser as support to the network
Priorities Measurement & evaluation Six monthly publication of progress Improve monitoring and data gathering Pilot monitoring exercise on faith, sexual orientation/gender identity
Priorities Diversity Champions Network Sub Groups to deliver on priority areas Peer reviews Training to DCN Members Progress reports to CS, CSMB & DCN members
Priorities Recruitment Best practice toolkit Improve Fast Stream All SCS/feeder grade posts available on a flexible working patterns All SCS recruitment process & panels to be representative or have a diversity adviser
Priorities Development DCN to sponsor new corporate diversity development scheme Compact Schemes Dept. development schemes to build diverse talent pool at feeder grade level Mentoring
Priorities Behaviour and culture change All Civil Servants to have meaningful and measurable diversity objectives that are included in reward systems Review of work life balance in SCS and action for change High quality, challenging diversity training for senior and middle managers Staff networks supported
Priorities Communication Soft launch of 10-Point Plan in departments Launch and publication of 10-Point Plan on 1st November Annual diversity awards scheme Regular newsletter, seminars/conferences & progress reports
Roles and responsibilities Permanent Secretaries accountable for diversity in their depts Diversity Champions responsible for driving action in depts. Sub-Groups to deliver on priority areas Diversity Strategy Team provide programme management role –clarity on priorities, roles and responsibilities essential for successful delivery