Summary of issues and results from GSC-10 User Workshop SOURCE: Jørgen Friis, ETSI Deputy Director-General TITLE: Summary of issues and conclusions from GSC-10 User Workshop AGENDA ITEM: 2 (GSC-11 User Workshop) CONTACT: GSC11(06)_Userworkshop_11 Summary of issues and results from GSC-10 User Workshop Jørgen Friis ETSI Deputy Director-General GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications GSC-10 – Focus Areas User types Accessibility for All Gathering User requirements QoS user-related parameters GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC-10 – User Workshop Conclusions WorkShops are more valuable than short working sessions Need to involve users to a greater extent Design for All/Universal Design is key for Users Explore need to gather information with regard to hearing impaired users “Nothing about us without us” New Technology can improve user experience More commonalities than differences between types of users There is a need to identify how Users can voice their opinions in order to better participate in the standardisation process Resources play a significant role in involvement of Users 10. Next GSC User WG should involve SMEs (Small –Medium Enterprises) as Users 11. Young children and elderly people are important User groups to focus on 12. Consolidation of the work performed in the various PSOs needs to be better done GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC-10 – Accessibility Session Main outcome: Japan now includes the needs of older persons when writing standards Care services are becoming more important as people live longer and ICT is an important tool for providing this care e.g. Telecare Children are an important ICT market segment but need protection from exploitation and corruption TIA has shown that industry can voluntarily meet the requirements of users with special needs Australia recognizes at least 20% people of its people have disabilities and good progress is being made in addressing their ICT requirements GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
What happened since GSC-10? (1/6) At International level By ITU Designing Next Generation Networks for all developed by ITU-T SG 16 and presented at the ITU-T/ATIS NGN Workshop in March 2006 ITU-T SG 2 Question 3/2 "Human factors related issues for improvement of the quality of life through international telecommunications" ITU-D SG 1 Question 20/1 "Access to telecommunication services for people with disabilities" By ISO/IEC JTC1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A) It was established at the October 2004 JTC 1 Plenary meeting in Berlin and remain very active. In January 2006 it revised its business plan GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
What happened since GSC-10? (2/6) In United States By TIA – Work is performed within the User Premises Equipment Division (UPED). UPED is very active in various aspects of the accessibility issues GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
What happened since GSC-10? (3/6) In Korea By TTA within the Welfare Communication Project Group (PG104) of the Common Infrastructure Technical Committee (TC1) – Seven Work Items: Automatic Teller Machine's Accessibility Guidelines Digital Talking Book Guidelines Standard of Audible signal for Visually Handicapped Transfer Code for Control unit Text-Phone for Calling Inter-Connection Service Alarm System for the People with Disability and The Specific Record Type of e-book for the People with Visual Disability. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
What happened since GSC-10? (4/6) In Australia By ACIF – Work performed under responsibility of the council for consumer and the council for disabilities. In addition ACIF supports the Consumers’ Telecommunication Network activities. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
What happened since GSC-10? (5/6) In Europe by the European Commission A mandate was released and accepted by ESOs on accessibility for all of ICT products and services in public procurement. A conference took place in order to assess the need for certification Accessibility is a key issue is the EC Action plan for standardization. In Europe ICTSB DATSCG 2 meetings in Brussels. One in November 2005 and one in March 2006. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
What happened since GSC-10? (6/6) In Europe By ETSI HF Presentation and publication of the work of TC HF at international conferences on HCI (eg Mobile HCI 2005 in Salzburg in September 2005). Liaison with DATSCG to support initiative for an international workshop on conformance and certification methods for eAcessibility requirements – to be held in Brussels in March 2006. ETSI HQ hosted the last Human Factors in Telecommunications conference. STFs Completed: 264 Telecare, 265 User Profile Mng , 266 ICT young people, 267 DUST - Preparatory meetings: Telecare user experience, Character repertoires, Relay services text phones, PIAPS GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Thank you Jørgen Friis Deputy Director-General ETSI +33 4 92 94 42 11 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications