SOCIETAS DOCTRINÆ CHRISTIANÆ S.D.C. w w w . s d c . m e . u k † The word of God was made flesh S.D.C. SOCIETAS DOCTRINÆ CHRISTIANÆ w w w . s d c . m e . u k
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year
The special day around the year is The Liturgical Year The special day around the year is SUNDAY
Along the Year there are also other special feasts. The Liturgical Year Along the Year there are also other special feasts.
The first day of the Church’s year is THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT The Liturgical Year The first day of the Church’s year is THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 4 Sundays before Christmas Preparation for Christmas
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Mary born and stayed without sin The Liturgical Year IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 8 December Mary born and stayed without sin
The Liturgical Year CHRISTMAS 25 December The birth of Jesus
EPIPHANY 2nd Sunday after Christmas (6 January) The Liturgical Year EPIPHANY 2nd Sunday after Christmas (6 January) When the Wise Men visited Jesus.
(Day of Penance and Fast) The Liturgical Year ASH WEDNESDAY 40 days before Easter 1st Day of Lent (Day of Penance and Fast)
ANNUNCIATION 25th March The Angel Gabriel visited Mary The Liturgical Year ANNUNCIATION 25th March The Angel Gabriel visited Mary
PALM / PASSION SUNDAY Sunday before Easter The Liturgical Year PALM / PASSION SUNDAY Sunday before Easter Jesus went into Jerusalem riding on a donkey
HOLY THURSDAY Thursday before Easter The Last Supper The Liturgical Year HOLY THURSDAY Thursday before Easter The Last Supper Jesus institutes the Eucharist
The passion and death of Jesus The Liturgical Year GOOD FRIDAY Friday before Easter The passion and death of Jesus
The Resurrection of Jesus The Liturgical Year EASTER March/April The Resurrection of Jesus
40 days after Easter (Thursday) Sunday after The Liturgical Year ASCENSION 40 days after Easter (Thursday) Sunday after Jesus went up to heaven
The Holy Spirit comes upon the Apostles The Liturgical Year PENTECOST 50 days after Easter The Holy Spirit comes upon the Apostles
HOLY TRINITY 1 week after Pentecost The Liturgical Year HOLY TRINITY 1 week after Pentecost One God – Three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The Eucharist: The body and blood of Jesus The Liturgical Year CORPUS CHRISTI 2 weeks after Pentecost The Eucharist: The body and blood of Jesus
The Liturgical Year THE ASSUMPTION 15th August Mary taken up to heaven
All people who are in heaven The Liturgical Year ALL SAINTS DAY 1st November All people who are in heaven
All people who are in purgatory The Liturgical Year ALL SOULS DAY 2nd November All people who are in purgatory
Last Sunday in the Church’s year (November) The Liturgical Year CHRIST THE KING Last Sunday in the Church’s year (November) Jesus as our King
The Liturgical Year
SOCIETAS DOCTRINÆ CHRISTIANÆ S.D.C. w w w . s d c . m e . u k † The word of God was made flesh S.D.C. SOCIETAS DOCTRINÆ CHRISTIANÆ w w w . s d c . m e . u k