David Massart, EUN Nov 2, 2009 Budapest, Hungary Building a Learning Resource Exchange for Schools.


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Presentation transcript:

David Massart, EUN Nov 2, 2009 Budapest, Hungary Building a Learning Resource Exchange for Schools

What is European Schoolnet (EUN)? Dedicated to Supporting schools in bringing about the best use of technology in learning Promote the European dimension in schools and education Improving and raising the quality of education in Europe Network of 31 Ministries of Education in Europe founded in 1997

Range of projects and services EUN Activities ICT policies and practice Peer Learning ICT Cluster eTwinning School Innovation Internet Safety School Validation … Xplora Xperimania School networking and services Spring Day Development Youth Prize eLearning Awards Insight Portal PIC LIFE LRE ASPECT Interoperability and content exchange MELT CALIBRATE CELEBRATE

demonstration project CALIBRATE connecting repositories MELT content enrichment ASPECT content standards Building a Learning Resource Exchange LRE 2008… emapps iClass

Large scale projects CELEBRATE - 5M funding from IST Programme 22 partners CALIBRATE - 3.3M funding from IST Programme 17 partners MELT - 3M funding eContentplus Programme 18 partners ASPECT - 3.7M funding eContentplus Programme – 22 partners

Content that travels well

Content that travels well?

Content that travels well??

Content that travels well???

LRE public portal LRE public portal officially launched Dec 2008 A re-branded version of the MELT portal Over 130,000 resources/assets in May 2009 from 25 providers Being promoted initially to 60,000 eTwinning schools

What is the LRE Vision? LRE is a service for MoE driven by MoE and involves private sector partners Aim is to improve use and reuse of educational content in schools – better technical interoperability between repositories – improve semantic interoperability of content – develop best practice in how to implement content- related standards

What is the LRE Vision? It is NOT a centralised portal… but a framework that supports semantic and technical interoperability of content repositories Adds value to national content strategies

Learning Resource Exchange An infrastructure for: 1.Federating applications/platforms that provide learning resources to schools (repositories, learning platforms, authoring environments) 2.Providing seamless access to K-12 resources to applications that consume these (portals, VLEs)

Flexible technical solutions Connect a repository, portal or VLE to the federation Let the LRE harvest your metadata using OAI-PMH Publish your metadata using SPI mass upload of your metadata - just complete an Excel spreadsheet

Not a Centralized Portal LRE search from within a national portal already implemented (Scoilnet) LRE widget that can be integrated in other applications - eTwinning

Why join the LRE? The most important Europe-wide (and potential global) player in e-learning content may become the European Schoolnet (EUN) through their European Learning Resource Exchange which is currently under development. Open Educational Practices and Resources: OLCOS Roadmap 2012, January 2007

MoE LRE Partners Initial LRE partners inc. partners in the CALIBRATE and MELT projects - 16 Ministries of Education in Europe: Austria, Belgium (Flemish community), Region of Catalonia (Spain), Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden plus Czech Republic repository April MoE plus France and Portugal in ASPECT project MoE MoE LRE Working Group defining strategy

Why work with EUN? We want to bridge the gap between community publishers and professional publishers. John Tuttle, Cambridge University Press

Content partner benefits Reach a global audience with your content Standard-based metadata application profile for schools Multilingual thesaurus/vocabularies Feedback on your resources - popularity, ratings, comments Discover which of your resources travel well Enrichment of your metadata - LRE social tagging Automatic metadata generation Automatic metadata translation Expert support on semantic interoperability and standards for content exchange

LRE global alliances There is a shared vision with other global players - OER Commons..GLOBE..

Some LRE Associate Partners

How to Join? Send us an example of your metadata One-to-one meetings to discover your requirements Send staff to a LRE technical workshop

ASPECT Sept 08 - Feb 2011 eContentplus Best Practice Network 4.6 million budget 9 MoE - Denmark, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia Commercial partners - Cambridge University Press, Icodeon, Siveco, Young Digital Planet, Vocabulary Management Group Experts from all international standardisation bodies and consortia active in eLearning: CEN/ISSS, IMS, IEEE, ISO, ADL... Experts from all international standardisation bodies and consortia active in eLearning: CEN/ISSS, IMS, IEEE, ISO, ADL...

ASPECT Rationale The standards organisations are inherently top- down and reactive. There is no other way for them to be. Inevitably they have to work on historic data. They have to tend to the restrictive rather than the enabling - even though some will argue, correctly, there are some fine borders. I think they are doomed to fail or if they dont fail we are doomed. Martin Owen, September 2007, Naace newsletter

ASPECT Aims Assess standards and specifications through their implementation on a critical mass of educational content - plugfests and workshops Assess standards and specifications through their implementation on a critical mass of educational content - plugfests and workshops Develop best practice in terms of implementing those standards Develop best practice in terms of implementing those standards Make recommendations on the combination of a number of standards to ensure more transparent interoperability Make recommendations on the combination of a number of standards to ensure more transparent interoperability

LRE Service Centre Registry for Learning Object Repositories Vocabulary bank for education Application profile registry Automatic translation service for metadata Compliance testing Transformer service (turn metadata and vocabularies into another format) Information on known interoperability issues Learning Technology Standards Observatory

Metadata: IEEE LOM, Dublin Core Vocabulary: XVD, VDEX, ZTHES, SKOS Protocol: SQI, SPI, SRU/SRW, OAI-PMH Query Language: CQL, PLQL, LRE-QL Registry: CORDRA, ADL Registry Content discovery

Format: IMS Content Packaging, SCORM, IMS Common Cartridge, IMS QTI Identifier: Handle System, DOI Access Control: Creative Commons, IMS Common Cartridge, LRE DRM Content discovery Content use

Content discovery Best practices Implementation of best practice

Content use Content discovery Best practices School pilots Implementation of best practice

WP3 WP4 WP5WP6 WP7 Content use Content discovery Best practices School pilots Dissemination Validation & Quality Insurance WP2 Implementation of best practice

Further Information