Today’s Warm-Up 9/20/11 Pretend you are an immigrant factory worker during the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. Write a brief letter to your cousin back on your family farm describing your life in the city. Be sure to include… What your home and living conditions are like. How you are being treated by the Nativists. What your working conditions are like- how many hours, how many breaks, etc What you think should be done by the boss to help your conditions improve. Anything else you would like to share about city/factory life with your cousin.
Today’s Agenda 9/20/11 Warm-Up (5 minutes) Student News + Discussion (15 minutes) SSR (15 minutes) Study Guide Review Homework Assignment- DBQ (Please start in class in case you have questions.) REMEMBER- Packing up before I instruct you to do so will result in an after school detention.
Today’s Objectives- SWBAT Explain the difference between the presidential and congressional reconstruction programs. Describe what conditions were like for African Americans following the Civil War. List the push/pull factors of western expansion AND immigration. Describe how working conditions in the factories led to the creation of unions and the push for political reforms.
Study Guide- Amendments 13th- banned slavery and involuntary servitude. 14th – defines citizenship, gives citizens equal protection under the law, and guarantees due process rights. 15th- men could not be denied the right to vote based on race, religions, etc. 16th- grants government the right to collect an income tax. 17th- provides direct election of senators. 18th- bans the selling, consumption, and manufacturing of alcohol.
Fill in the blank and short answer 2. During the Reconstruction Period, President Andrew Johnson wanted to create a program to readmit the southern states back into the Union. His ideas were opposed by the Radical Republicans. 3. The Ku Klux Klan emerged in the south following the Civil War and was created to keep the former slaves from getting too much power. 4. Give examples of legislation that was passed by some of the southern states during Reconstruction that limited freedmen’s rights. Black codes, poll taxes, literacy tests, Jim Crow Laws, and Grandfather Clause.
Fill in the blank and short answer 5. The Black Codes were issues in order to prevent the freed slaves from having equal opportunities and rights in the south. 6. The Northerners who went south after the Civil War were known as Carpetbaggers. 7. Briefly explain what pioneer life was like for women. Women worked long hours around the house and on the land, the conditions and weather were harsh, and they were lonely because they had no close neighbors.
Fill in the blank and short answer 8. Why did the government pass legislation such as the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act? To make sure that consumers were protected from eating spoiled or diseased food/medicine. 9. What was a robber baron? A person who looted an industry and gave nothing back to the industry or society. 10. Based on the definition of a robber baron, do you think that a robber baron would be been well liked by his workers or would have donated money to charity? A robber baron was only concerned with his needs and his gains, he did not care about giving back to society. So based on the definition, I do not think a robber baron would have been well liked or would have donated money.
Fill in the blank and short answer 11. The Freedman’s Bureau set up schools and hospitals to help freed slaves. 12. Briefly explain the goals of the Dawes Act of 1887. The Dawes Act split up undesirable reservation land and gave acres to Native American families so that they could farm. This ruined the way of tribal life and destroyed the culture of Native Americans. 13. What was the Homestead Act of 1862 and how did it impact settlement in the west? The Homestead Act promised to give 160 acres of Great Plains land to anybody willing to live on and farm the land for at least 5 years.
Fill in the blank and short answer 14. Plessy v. Ferguson introduced the “separate but equal” doctrine. 15. Unions were formed to improve the working conditions of laborers. 16. Describe the characteristics of the industrialists of the late 19th century. They benefitted society by donating money but they hurt it by not offering better pay and conditions for their workers. 17. The Meat Inspection Act was passed to benefit consumers, especially after “The Jungle” was published.
Fill in the blank and short answer 18. Why did the U.S. allow an unlimited number of immigrants into the country for most of the 1800s? The U.S. had a surplus (too many) of jobs and not enough laborers (workers). 19. Reservations were lands that many Native Americans were forced to live on. 20. The loss of Native American Culture resulted from land arguments between settlers and Native Americans. 21. Exodusters was the term given to former slaves who moved west to live in homes on the Great Plains.
Fill in the blank and short answer 22. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois both supported more civil rights for African Americans. 23. A National Market was created by the railroad’s expansion into the west. Towns emerged around the railroad. 24. Explain why immigrants and migrants were forced to live in poor conditions, such as slums and tenements. Immigrants and migrants had little money and the cheap housing and low paying jobs of the city were all they could find.
Fill in the blank and short answer 25. Why did the Nativists dislike immigrants? The Nativists thought the immigrants caused increased crime rates and contributed to increased poverty by accepting low paying jobs. 26. According to Social Darwinism, wealthy industrialists often believed they were entitled to all of their wealth. 27. The Populist Party was made up of farmers in the late 1880’s and 1890’s who were trying to gain political power. 28. Monopolies were a result of the government taking a Laissez-Faire approach.
Fill in the blank and short answer 29. What is a trust? A combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement, especially to reduce competition. 30. President Roosevelt was given the nickname “trustbuster” because of his efforts to increase fair competition. 31. When the railroad extended to cities like St. Louis and Chicago, long drives were used to move cattle to cow-towns. 32. How did the Progressive Movement impact women’s right to vote? Women realized that they would need the right to vote in order to have any reforms they wanted passed.