What to do when the evacuation alarm sounds and you are in the middle of teaching: Respond immediately Stay calm and do not panic Announce that everyone needs to leave the building/building section Ask the students to pack their things and take them with them, but only if they are located in the same room If necessary, help the disabled or get help for them; the disabled are to assemble in the designated areas of the building concerned Announce that the students are to take the nearest emergency exit Direct students to the assembly point Make sure the emergency response services are able to use the access routes (accessible entrance, accessible roads/bike paths around the buildings) Make sure the students do not go back inside the building during the evacuation or if the building has not yet been declared safe; monitor the doors or close them after you The emergency response personnel may have other tasks for you as an evacuator; follow their instructions Above also applies to support staff and lecturers who are not in the middle of teaching when the evacuation alarm sounds. As they make their way outside, these colleagues are expected to take students/colleagues, whom are not in class and who have not responded to the evacuation alarm, outside with them via the nearest emergency exit.
Evacuationmovie Take a look at the procedure “What to do in case of an emergency?”: Delft DIF Zoetermeer Hoofdvestiging Poseidon A new procedure will be made for our location Zuiderpark.
Emergency exits
De Haagse Hogeschool BHV@HHS.nl www.dehaagsehogeschool.nl