How to assess specialist in abroad Kee-Hwan, Kim M.D. PhD. Uijeongbu St. Mary’s Hospital The Catholic University of Korea
Contents ANZ(Australia and New Zealand) China and Hong Kong Japan Malaysia Singapore
Australia and New Zealand Fellowship Training Program in HPB Surgery. HPB Fellowship Training Core Competencies Technical expertise Medical knowledge Clinical decision making and judgment Interpersonal and communication skills Scholar and teacher Professionalism Leadership
Australia and New Zealand Fellowship Training Program in HPB Surgery. Requirements Selection into accredited HPB hospital positions Completion of clinical rotations (two 12 month terms) Fulfill curriculum requirements Completion research requirements Adequate research requirements Adequate case load Satisfactory assessment examination
Australia and New Zealand Fellowship Training Program in HPB Surgery. Selection Criteria Successful completion of FRACS or equivalent Current medical registration Curriculum vitae 30% Interview 30% Structured referees reports 40% Curriculum Module I Anatomy Module II Patho-physiology Module III Peri-operative Care Subunit A General principles Subunit B Radiology Subunit C Oncology Module IV Clinical Subunit A Biliary Tract Subunit B Pancreas Duodenum Spleen Subunit C Liver Module V Education and Research
Assessment Continuous assessment – supervisors reports Log books – adequate caseload Feedback interviews Satisfactory completion research requirements Written examination
HPB Surgery training in China & Hong Kong Specialty/Subspecialty Training in Hong Kong A subspecialty after General Surgery training HPB subspecialty has not yet been recognized as a subspecialty qualification Specialty/Subspecialty Training in China Apprenticeship system Single hospital based No unified training/examination system for the whole country yet.
Training of HPB Surgeons in China Still under discussion-subspecialty training
Training of HPB Surgeons in China Discussion on Training Components in HPB Surgery Modelling after the Western Countries Major Liver Surgery Pancreas Surgery Complex Biliary Surgery Transplantation Minor HPB Laparoscopic Surgery HPB Surgical oncology HPB Endoscopic Surgery HPB Interventional Surgery HPB Research
HPB Surgery training in Japan Aims of the Japanese society : Educating and bringing forth surgeons capable of safely and reliably performing highly advanced surgery in HBP surgical field. : Contribution to social welfare and enable further advances in HBP surgery.
Medical education and Training system in Japan
HPB Surgery training in Japan Minimum Operative Requirements in Gastrointestinal Surgical Fellowship Curriculum : 450 operations including following Ex. Cholecystectomy, gastroenteroanastomosis, gastrectomy, colostomy, splenectomy, appendectomy.
HPB Surgery training in Japan : Mandatory operations 3 esophagectomy* 10 distal gastrectomy 10 colectomy 3 partial hepatectomy 2 major hepatectomy* 3 pancreatoduodenectomy* *assistance counted.
HPB Surgery training in Japan Construction the system Criteria of Board certifications in HBP surgery Highly advanced surgical operations Board-certified training institutes 30 highly advanced surgical operations a year working board-certified instructors Board-certified instructors 100 highly advanced surgical operations Video investigation
HBP Surgery Training in Malaysia Duration of Training Local candidates: 3 years full-time including 6-12 months at a HPB Surgery Center overseas. Foreign candidates: 6-24 months attachment Need medical council registration Self funding Paid position available but tedious application process.
HBP Surgery Training in Malaysia Format of Training Full-time clinical apprenticeship with progressively increasing clinical responsibility. Designed to enhance clinical & technical skills. Trainee is taken through the various operative procedures of increasing complexity until he/she is able to undertake such procedures independently Participation in all clinical, educational and research activities of the department. Maintain a logbook of all activities; will serve as a basis for final evaluation on completion of the training.
HBP Surgery Training in Malaysia Format of HPB Surgery Assessment Continuing Assessment Form the basis to assess the suitability of the candidate to appear for the exit assessment. Exit Assessment comprises 7 modules. Clinical Examination & Case Presentation Clinco-Radiolgical examination. Surgical Logbook Scientific Dissertation Critical Appraisal of Scientific Papers Ethics & Professional conduct Mortality review
HBP Surgery Training in Malaysia Completion of Training Formal exit assessment to ensure trainee has acquired the necessary level of knowledge & competence Assessment done by an independent panel of examiners including at least 2 from overseas. Successful completion of training & assessment will allow the candidate to be credentialed as a HPB Surgeon. Credentialed candidates eligible to be listed on the National Specialist Register.
HPB Surgery training in Singapore
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