Understanding Culture By Mr. Wilson Lost in the Middle East Understanding Culture By Mr. Wilson
Islam is the major religion. There are two main branches of Islam. Sunni – Almost 90% of all Muslims Shiite – About 10% of all Muslims. Muhammad is the prophet of both branches The Ka’aba in Mecca.
Five Main Pillars of Islam Shahada – “Profession of Faith” “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger.” Prayer – A minimum of 5 times daily. Zakat – Alms giving of 2.5% of income. Fasting – For the entire month of Ramadan. The Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your lifetime.
The Division in Islam The primary division within Islam is the belief in a sixth pillar. Although it can be said that all Muslims believe in Jihad or “striving”, the Shiite Muslims have interpreted it in a more extreme form called “Holy War”. It is belief in this pillar which gives rise to those willing to die for Islam.
The Hajj – What it entails? The Hajj is the highest act of devotion for a Muslim. It is a pilgrimage to Mecca, which has sacred clothing and activities while there. The Ihram – the sacred clothing of the Hajj. It is two pieces of white cloth without seams or pockets. All jewelry is removed. This is to signify that in Allah’s eyes all are equal.
The Ka’aba – Islam’s most sacred site. This building is the center of the Islamic world. It is the first site visited upon entering Mecca. They perform the Tawaf, which is circling the Ka’aba 7 times, 3 times quickly and 4 times slowly.
Sacred Scripture- Qur’an The scripture of Islam is known as the Qur’an. It was revealed to Muhammad by Allah and contains 114 Suras(chapters). They are arranged from longest to shortest. It is still considered a great honor, which many young Muslim students work at to memorize the entire Qur’an by heart. This is a word for word recitation.
Muhammad’s Life Born in 570 A.D., he was orphaned as a child, raised by his grandfather and then his uncle, Abu Talib. He became a caravan merchant and married a rich widow, Khadija. In the year 610 A.D., he was in a cave at the base of Mt. Hira, in the hills above Mecca, praying and engaging in religious devotions.
Muhammad’s Life continued While in the cave, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and gave him the revelation of the Qur’an. Most Muslims refer to this night as “the night of Power and Excellence”. He began to preach this religion in Mecca and was much persecuted, then he traveled to Medina and had much success. Within a few years he was able to return to Mecca and take it without bloodshed. In 632, after a short fever, Muhammad died suddenly in the arms of his favorite wife Aisha at the age of 62.