Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region Overview for the Fisheries Sector Dr. Christopher Bartlett, Technical Advisor
GIZ German Agency for International Cooperation Fully government –owned Implements technical cooperation on behalf of German Government and others Assistance to Pacific island countries since the seventies 10.05.2019
Role of GIZ Provides technical assistance, no direct budget support Provides long- and short term advisors & training Advisors work in close collaboration with regional & national counterparts & development partners Programmes & projects are seen as joint efforts between all parties involved to achieve objective CCCPIR joint effort among countries, SPC, SPREP, USP and GIZ Close collaboration with USAID, AUSAID & EU 10.05.2019
CCCPIR quick facts German government funded 17.2 million Euro 2009-2015 Implemented by GIZ in collaboration with SPC, SPREP and many others 10.05.2019
Programme objective The capacities of regional organisations in the Pacific Islands region and its member states to adapt to climate change and mitigate its causes are strengthened 10.05.2019
CCCPIR Programme Structure C 1. Strengthening regional advisory and management capacity C 2. Mainstreaming climate considerations and adaptation strategies C 3. Implementing adaptation and mitigation measures C 4. Sustainable tourism and climate change C 5. Sustainable energy management C 6. Climate change education 10.05.2019
Regional Structure CC advisor Micronesia with SPC office Pohnpei (Fenno) CC advisor in Solomon Islands CC advisor Samoa & SPREP in Apia (Rachael) CC advisor in Vanuatu (Christopher) Institutional attachment: SPC Noumea, CC Coordinator (Brian) Country officer: (Sitiveni) CCCPIR Programme office Suva; Education, Energy, REDD+ Project Admin Unit (PAU) 10.05.2019
Country Focus Country focus BMU-IKI Mainstreaming Pilot projects (flexible) Mainstreaming Pilot projects Tourism Energy Education REDD + FSM Cross sectoral mainstreaming Integrated land & marine resources Fiji Land based resources REDD, land resources CCCPIR Kiribati Marshall Isl Water resource management Water resources Nauru Land & marine resources Palau Food security, cross sectoral mainstreaming Coastal resources PNG Land and coastal resources BMU-IKI Samoa Marine resource management Coastal/marine resources Solomon Isl Water resources, coastal resources Tonga Land resources Tuvalu Marine resources, water Vanuatu Coastal and Land based resources Coastal and land resources
CCCPIR Programme Structure C 1. Strengthening regional advisory and management capacity C 2. Mainstreaming climate considerations and adaptation strategies C 3. Implementing adaptation and mitigation measures C 4. Sustainable tourism and climate change C 5. Sustainable energy management C 6. Climate change education 10.05.2019
C 1. Strengthening regional advisory and management capacity - SPC Coastal Fisheries Management Officer 3 years 300,000 Euros - Tuna Modeling SPC FAME Improved CC & tuna models resolution of <2 degrees Develop national adaptation and response actions 398,040 Euros SPREP CC Portal Technical Consultancies and regional steering - MSG CC & Environment Technical Advisory Committee 10.05.2019
C 2. Mainstreaming climate considerations and adaptation strategies Kiribati – National CC & Fisheries Strategy (w/ joint CC missions) PNG - incorporate CC into specific fishery management plans, e.g. sea cucumbers Vanuatu – National CC & DRR Policy and Action Plan (JNAP) Nauru- JNAP support (w/ joint CC missions) 10.05.2019
C 3. Implementing adaptation and mitigation measures Kiribati - cost benefit analysis training with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources + pilot sites (Sept 12) Yap - Documentation of traditional and local marine knowledge and management practices + pilot site (July 12) Chuuk -Mangroves rehabilitation and climate resilience Solomon Islands - Ridge to Reef approach in Choiseul province Tuvalu - ridge to reef approach community management Nauru- expansion of community based ecosystem approach + 2 pilot sites (August 12) Vanuatu- CC proofing and economic analysis of community aquaculture 10.05.2019
C 4. Sustainable tourism and climate change Reducing emissions and environmental impacts from tourism Supporting community based tourism initiatives to adapt to climate change 10.05.2019
C 5. Sustainable Energy Management Financial and policy advice Support in formulating bankable investment proposals 10.05.2019
C 6. Climate Change and Education Regional- work with USP and CETC to develop CC community training modules Kiribati & Vanuatu - support to national qualification authorities to develop competencies and skills in fisheries and climate change (TVET), Kiribati - development of education resources on CC, that include fisheries relevant elements (coral reef ecosystems poster for primary education) Vanuatu- DVD on community based, coral reef management & climate adaptation 10.05.2019
Requesting SPC-GIZ technical assistance under Component 2: Mainstreaming or Component 3: Pilot Implementation Contact your national CC focal point and/or SPC focal point with a specific fisheries-related priority request. 10.05.2019