Data Mining in SQL Server 2005 Corie Curcillo Central Ohio SQL SIG
Agenda Create Decision Tree and Naïve Bayes Data Mining Models View Mining Accuracy Charts
What does Data Mining Do? Explores Your Data Finds Patterns Performs Predictions What Data Mining Does. I asked, I would avoid talking about what data mining is, rather tell the customer what is does. What it is is not very important really and generally confuses the customer – for example do you ask “What is a hammer?” Obviously not, because it doesn’t tell you much – is it interesting that the hammer is a piece of wood or fiberglass topped with a specifically shaped hunk of metal? No. What’s interesting about a hammer is that it drives nails. And that’s why we need to think about what data mining does. <advance> Data mining Explores your data Finds patterns And Performs predictions That’s it. People tend to view data mining as this mysterious dark art that few can master because it’s filled with advanced mathematical formulas, but really data mining is a tool that simply performs its function. How many people can make a hammer? How many people can use one?. Now many claims are made that data mining provides insight. I would say that’s a false statement. For example, I could use data mining to explore all the data from a hospital and if I found that the most important factor in determining whether a patient was delivering a baby was their gender, data mining didn’t provide insight – it did explore the data and find patterns. Obviously applying data mining takes some skill, but this is true of any tool. When I was building my son’s tree house, I sure was happy that my cousin the carpenter was around build the four sided roof.
BI Integration DTS OLAP Reporting Data Mining processing and results integrate directly into the operational pipeline OLAP Process Mining Models from Universal Dimensional Models (Cubes), use learned content to slice cubes based on data-specific patterns Reporting Embed Data Mining results directly into Reporting Services reports
Data Mining Data Flow .Net Historical Dataset Cube New Dataset Cube LOB Application Web .Net Native Model Browsing Mining Models Data Transform (DTS) Historical Dataset SQL OLE/DB Text File Reporting Prediction Cube Cube New Dataset Operations (DTS)