Welcome To U.S. STERILES
U.S.STERILES U.S. STERILES Jayesh building, Waliv naka , Waliv Vasai ( E ) , Dist. Thane,– 401 208 Maharashtra. Tel. ( 0250 ) 6457711 / 6457712 ( 0250 ) 245 4203 / 245 6032 Fax : ( + 91 250) 245 3781 E – Mail -info@ussteriles.com Website – www.biocide.com
OUR RANGE OF PRODUCTS Gramicid ( The Eco Friendly Disinfectant ) Cooling Tower Water Treatment Chemicals Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals R.O. Water Treatment Chemicals Fuel Additives Detergents ( Floor Cleaning, Hand wash, Auto Wash) Metal Treatment Chemicals Effluent Treatment Chemicals Water Treatment Plants (Water Softener, DM & R.O. Plants) R
APPLICATIONS OF GRAMICID IN FOLLOWING INDUSTRIES Pharmaceutical Companies Packaged Drinking Water Food & Beverages Hospitals / Diagnostics & Research Labs / Blood Banks Dairy / Ice cream Industry Agriculture
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS GRAMICID is a multi-component complex formulation of concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide (48 %) and Silver(500ppm) in cationic form.
GRAMICID EFFECTIVENESS Gramicid effectively and completely destroys all microorganisms including viruses, spores, gram positive & gram-negative bacteria, E-coli, bacteriophages, Pseudomonas, fungi, yeast, mould, protozoa and Biofilms.
SALIENT FEATURES / ADVANTAGES OF GRAMICID : . Gramicid is manufactured at a Maharashtra FDA Approved and GMP certified Facility. Gramicid is tasteless, colourless, odourless non toxic & non carcinogenic. It does not alter the pH & it is Universal Broad Spectrum Disinfectant.
DOSING OF GRAMICID 1) WATER DISINFECTION: Gramicid when added @ 15ppm to 10ppm (15ml to 10ml per 1000 litres of water) disinfects the water. This water should be passed through RO membrane. 2) DISINFECTION OF TANKS, PIPELINES & EQUIPMENTS : Gramicid can be used for disinfecting the equipments, pipelines, storage tanks @ 0.1 – 1 % concentration. Contact time – 15 minutes.
3) FLOORS & WALLS : Mopping of Floors & Walls @ 0.5 % to 1 % concentration. 4) INDOOR AIR QUALITY (IAQ) : For Operation Theatre, Manufacturing, Filling, Packing & Raw Material Storage areas use Gramicid Spray @ 3% concentration, by use of Ultra Low Volume Sprayer. (Please Use 100% Plastic or S.S made Fogger). 1 Litre Solution (containing 1000 ml DM. / Distilled Water & 30 ml Gramicid ) Disinfects 1500 cu.ft area.
5) PLANT DISINFECTION: R. O. Plant, D. M 5) PLANT DISINFECTION: R.O. Plant, D.M. Plant, Sand filter & Cartridge @ 200ppm to 500ppm concentration. Contact time – 15 to 30 minutes. 6) GENERAL DISINFECTION : Gramicid can be used for Hands, Feet, Slippers & Gloves Disinfection @ 0.1% concentration Contact time – 1 to 2 minutes.
7)BOTTLES, CAPS & JAR DISINFECTION: To Disinfect Bottles, Closures, Caps, Jars, crates use Gramicid @ 0.1 % - 0.3 % concentration. NOTE : Make Solution of Gramicid in DM / Distilled water only. Use rubber hand gloves while handling the product.