Introduction The word Abhinaya has been derived from the root word "Ni", which means to take or carry, with the preposition "abhi" meaning towards. As per the traditional slokas, the root "Vi" with the preposition abhi, gives the word Abhinaya, whcih means to carry the performance towards the audience. Abhinaya is a four fold art. There are 2 modes of Abhinaya - Natyadharmi, and Lokadharmi. While Lokadharmi has no hype, and is executed in the form of simple actings that involve natural behaviour. It does not even involve much of expressions.
TYPES OF ABHINAYA There are four types of Abhinaya : Angika Abhinaya Vachik Abhinaya Aharaya Abhinaya Satvika Abhinaya
ANGIKA ABHINAYA It comprises of the various physical expressions.It is of 2 kinds- Padaarthabhinaya and Vakyaarthabhinaya. Padarthabhinaya is the expression of word to word meaning, while vakyarthabhinaya is the expressions of a general idea of a sentence or mood. It comprises of six main parts and six subordinate body parts. The six main body parts are called as angas. They are : Head Hands Chest Hip Sides Feet
VACHIK ABHINAYA Vachik Abhinaya : or verbal expression such as dialogue in drama and has its origin from Rig Veda or Book of Hymns and it is based on the plane audible.
AHARAYA ABHINAYA Aharya Ahbinaya or decorative effect such as decor and lighting and has the origin from Sama Veda or book of melodies and is based on the plane visual. Aharya Abhinaya plays a secondary but important role in the dance. It aids the presentation of a performance with (a) Background or décor (b) Make-up (c) Music.
SATVIKA ABHINAYA It is the most important yet the most difficult mode of expression."SAT" means mind.It is the outcome of the phsycological state of mind. and thus is the interpretation of moods, which is originated from Atharva Veda and is based on astral. Its most important aspect is characterisation wherein the dancer must feel the various situations and mentally get involved in them.