System Budget FY 2019 Board of Education May 1, 2018
Total Appropriation – All Funds General Fund $ 92,897,470 Special Revenue Fund $ 14,140,213 Capital Projects Fund $ 19,246,876 School Nutrition Fund $ 6,335,936 Debt Service Fund $ 2,357,577 Total $134,978,072
Board Retreat Review – State Revenues FY2018 FY2019 Change Total QBE Earnings $ 59,597,365 $ 62,708,176 $ 3,110,811 Austerity Reduction $ (1,042,066) $ 0 $ 1,042,066 Local Five Mill Share $ (7,170,041) $ (7,520,405) $ (350,364) Equalization Grant $ 7,171,024 $ 7,486,498 $ 315,474 Nursing Funds* $ 206,153 $ 213,889 $ 7,736 Transportation* $ 1,046,821 $ 1,032,723 $ (14,098) Total Change $4,111,625
Total Austerity Reduction since FY2003: $54,294,116 FY19: $0!
Ad Valorem Taxes Projected millage – 18.204 Same as FY18 Industrial exemption phase out to help offset the loss of WellStar Typically do not benefit from reassessments (use rollback rate) Budget built using 0% growth plus some increase in the Title Ad Valorem Tax
FTE Counts FY2014 (midterm) FY2015 (initial) 10,218 FY2015 (midterm)
General Fund – Revenue Summary FY 2018 FY 2019 Difference State $ 60,103,398 $ 64,177,761 $ 4,074,363 Local $ 27,247,600 $ 27,678,573 $ 430,973 Federal $ 444,961 $ 517,810 $ 72,849 Total $ 87,795,959 $ 92,374,144 $ 4,578,185
General Fund Expenditures Items Included 175 day school year for students Full year work calendar for all staff Longevity step for all eligible employees – $891,000 Employer contribution to defined contribution plan for PSERS eligible employees (custodians, nutrition, bus drivers) – 3% - no change Health insurance rate flat $945/mo. for certified – no change $945/mo. for certified – full year versus half - $150,000 TRS increases 24.33% from 16.81% to 20.9% - $2.05 million
General Fund Expenditures Items Included Positions changes Decrease 3 teachers based on allotment formula, increase five SPED teachers (including Pre-K) - $148,000 1 behavior interventionist (classified position) – Anne Street - $40,000 1 half-time instructional coach or media parapro – Crescent - $40,000 1 additional 8th grade teacher – Cowan Middle - $74,000 2 parapros (Moore and Atkinson) - $70,000 1 half AP/half CTAE Coordinator for Griffin Region College and Career Academy - $108,520 1 ELA Coordinator - $104,000 Assistant Principal – GHS and SHS – convert lost JROTC/Data Asst positions - $92,000 Phase 2 of curriculum guides development - $382,194 Continuation of Mastery Connect and MAP software programs - $260,000 Transfer to Pre-Kindergarten - $170,000 Transfer to Nutrition - $150,000 Transfer to Workers Compensation - $325,000
General Fund – Expenditures
General Fund Proposed FY19 Budget: Total Revenues $92,374,144 Total Expenditures $92,897,470 Difference ($523,326) Fund Balance, Beginning $14,087,419 Fund Balance, Ending $13,564,093 Goal – back to zero in FY20 using TAVT changes
School Nutrition Services Highlights of proposed FY19 Budget Self-supporting for fifteen years; subsidized FY18 and FY19 (projected) Step raise for eligible employees 175 serving days FY19 projected use of fund balance - $164,888 Federal free and reduced meal reimbursement rates projected to increase – estimated 1% Students eligible for free and reduced cost meals – 76.90% No meal price increases proposed Revisit Provision II schools
Special Revenue Fund Budget appropriation level - $14,140,213 Adopt initial budgets until official allotments come in during FY19 Title I, Title II, Title III, IDEA, Mainstay, Project Aware, Hospital Authority grant, Pre-Kindergarten Pre-Kindergarten –175 day school year Teachers have 190 day schedule Transferring $170,000 from General Fund to cover actual cost of operations Pre-k salaries – remains on teacher salary schedule
Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) SPLOST V collections are strong (103.69% of budget) $825,000 ahead Current twelve-month rolling average is .12%
Debt Service Fund Proposed FY19 Budget Principal and interest – October 1 Interest – April 1 Total payments $2,357,577
Capital Projects Fund Initial appropriation - $19,246,876 SPLOST III: Taylor Street (Central Office) Campus Memorial Stadium SPLOST IV: Technology SPLOST V: Moore Elementary A.Z. Kelsey (initial) Bus purchases
Summary Balanced budgets for all funds No change in millage rate projected – 18.204 mills same as prior year Full work schedule for all employees Instructional calendar – 175 student days Step for all eligible employees Curriculum guide work Hire additional positions from budget process No meal price increases
Timetable to Adoption Tuesday, May 1 Place budget on first reading at regular BOE meeting Set additional workshops/hearings Sunday, May 6 Advertise budget in local newspaper Tuesday, May 22 Public hearing/work session – 4:00 PM Tuesday, June 5 Final adoption at regular BOE meeting