Mad Scramble for Africa World Geography Africa Unit
For today, 03/23 Turn in your work from yesterday (What the ?! and Scavenger Hunt) if you have not done so. Pick up the GREAT RIFT article and quietly begin reading. How presentation will benefit audience: Adult learners are more interested in a subject if they know how or why it is important to them. Presenter’s level of expertise in the subject: Briefly state your credentials in this area, or explain why participants should listen to you.
Mirror Image
The Island! FOLLOW the directions! How presentation will benefit audience: Adult learners are more interested in a subject if they know how or why it is important to them. Presenter’s level of expertise in the subject: Briefly state your credentials in this area, or explain why participants should listen to you.
“Mad Scramble for Africa” What is the message behind this political cartoon? Lesson descriptions should be brief.