APPEALS TO COMMONLY HELD OPINIONS Arguing that because everyone already believes something, it must be correct. Example: Salem witch trials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enAXy99AAzA If tanning beds were really unsafe, then millions of Americans would not be using them every week. Neither can the sun be all that harmful to your skin. Virtually everyone I know goes to the beach every year for one primary purpose – the sun. Do you know anyone who goes to the beach and then sits inside the hotel or beach house?
FALSE DILEMMAS Giving only 2 options when really there’s more than 2 Example: Kill or be killed Salesman: “Look, you are going to have to make up your mind. Either you decide that you can afford this stereo, or you decide you are going to do without music for a while.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIyLqUOJ0lY
APPEALS TO PITY Trying to make someone feel guilty in order to get what you want Example: American Idol: “I really want to be here. I don’t want to go home!” At a job interview: “I’m positive my work will meet your requirements. I really need the job since my grandmother is sick.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_Jkp2v6kSY
SLIPPERY SLOPE Assuming a relatively small first step will inevitably lead to a chain of related (negative) events Example: If we legalize marijuana, more people will start using crack and heroin. Then we’d have to legalize those too. The inevitable result of handgun control is the government seizure of all guns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIv3m2gMgUU
HASTY GENERALIZATIONS Drawing a conclusion from a tiny sample Example: I just got cut off by the woman driver in front. Women can’t drive. You’re out fishing and you get a hit on your first cast. You assume you’ve found the perfect spot and ideal lure, only to sit there without a bite for the next hour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqeqTWD2Ymg
BANDWAGON Popular ideas are right Example: Everyone else is a Texas A&M fan, so you should too. Many people once thought the earth was flat, but this certainly didn’t make it so. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dQRCOEeHaY
GLITTERING GENERALITIES An attractive claim based on insufficient evidence Example: “Pure, fresh, mountain spring water. Bottled especially for you in Utah from only our purest mountain springs.” What makes mountain spring water better than Midwestern spring water What makes this water fresher than other water? What makes it pure? How did they bottle it “especially for you?” Lots of questions, but the ad doesn’t answer any of them. It only provides glittering generalities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m___wuWRDM4