Monday, 10/1/18 AP European History – subject for the day Lesson #8 – Religious violence Goals/activities Journal #9: Short Answer handout – practice (2017) As a group, come up with at least three possibilities for ea THEN, choose one to write about; be sure to include both evidence and analysis – we’ll look at student samples. Homework check (Lesson #8); return movie sheet PPT on Lesson #8 Homework: No vocab quiz tomorrow Scantron Wed, Essay test Friday, Journals due Fri Starbucks study session, tomorrow evening
Tuesday, 10/2/18 POD – AP European History Test Prep (review) day! Finish Tudor PPT Quick look at three video reviews (next slide) Look for blanks and confusion in notes Discuss any confusing vocab words Go over some sample questions (next slides) A last look at notes, lesson by lesson STARBUCKS STUDY SESSION – tonight 5:00-6:00 Bluebook (short answer test) is Friday Journals due same day as Bluebook
Renaissance wrap-up 12m Reformation 11m Renaissance 5m
Sample Test Questions a. single point perspective b. leading lines. SAMPLE ART QUESTION 3. An expert in realism, Leonardo used a technique in his Mona Lisa to show perspective. What do we call this subtle use of shading to show depth? a. single point perspective b. leading lines. c. fresco d. chiaroscuro
Sample Test Questions SAMPLE QUESTION in the NEW FORMAT 5. Michelango’s David displays which of the following thematic innovation of Renaissance artists? The depiction of religious personages Accurate human anatomy The use of bronze as a material The portrayal large groups of statues to frighten the crowd
Sample Test Questions SAMPLE QUESTION 5. At last it seems to be that I have come to understand why man is the most fortunate of all creatures and consequently worthy of all admiration…. The nature of all other beings is limited…. Imagine! The great generosity of God! The happiness of man! To man it is allowed to be whatever he chooses to be! Pico della Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man, 1486 From the passage, one may infer that Pico believed that humankind was unique because human beings have a soul human beings know that they will die it is possible for human beings to go to heaven the potential of the human being is unlimited
Sample Question Refer to the following passage for the next three questions [Considering the origin of] grace, I find one universal rule concerning it, which seems to me worth more in this matter than any other in all things human that are done or said: and that is to avoid affectation to the uttermost and as it were a very sharp and dangerous rock; and, to use possibly a new word, to practice in everything a certain nonchalance [sprezzatura] that shall conceal design and show that what is done and said is done without effort and almost without thought. From this I believe grace is in large measure derived, because everyone knows the difficulty of those things that are rare and done well, and therefore facility in them excites the highest admiration. [And] I wish to discuss another matter, which I deem of great importance and therefore think our Courtier ought by no means to omit: and this is to know how to draw and to have acquaintance with the very art of painting…. And truly he who does not esteem this at, seems to me very unreasonable;… [For] the ancients greatly prized both the art and the artists, which thus attained the summit of highest excellence; very sure proof of which may be found in the antique marble and bronze statues that yet are seen….. Baldesar Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier, 1508-1513 1. The passage is indicative of the “princely ideal” of the late Renaissance, because it promotes individual achievement it is by the author of The Prince it describes the manner in which a prince should behave it focuses on the value of personal achievement for individual success rather than the civic good 2. The passage can be said to illustrate the transformation of traditional values into Renaissance values, because it stresses the pursuit of excellence it extols the virtue of skill in the visceral arts (intellectual) rather than the martial arts (fighting) it stresses the changing of social status of the artist it values grace 3. The passage illustrates the values of Renaissance humanism, because it instructs the individual to pay attention to personal appearance it argues that reason should be the measure of all things it looks to the ancients for guidance in matters of taste and accomplishment it encourages all men to aspire to be Courtiers
Short Answer practice Historians have sometimes referred to the Renaissance era as the start of a modern history. 1. Provide TWO pieces of evidence to support this characterization of this period and explain how they support it. 2. Provide ONE specific piece of evidence that undermines this characterization of this time period, and explain how it undermines it.
Wednesday, 10/3/18 POD TEST DAY BEST OF LUCK TODAY! DIRECTIONS Sit anywhere grab a scantron (front of room) Cell phone out and OFF Put phone on counter or chalk rack On scantron: name, Subject (REN), Period: 02 or 03 or 05 Put name on test questions, too REMINDER #1: BLUEBOOK IS FRIDAY REMINDER #2: JOURNALS COLLECTED FRIDAY
ESSAYS ARE ALWAYS IN PEN; BRING TWO PENS TOMORROW Thursday, 10/4/18 Argue Day Put all pencils and blue highlighters away Look for scantron errors as soon as you get your test We’ll go page by page If you have a question you think could have been another answer, raise your hand If your argument makes sense to me, I could give everyone the point back If #5 is the case, circle/highlight the question, raise your hand, and spin the test so it faces me; point to it when I arrive – you’ll get a “blue mark of happy” (blue highlighter) Once there is only 5 min left in class, argue day is over ESSAYS ARE ALWAYS IN PEN; BRING TWO PENS TOMORROW
Friday, 10/5/18 Short Answer Day Take out your journal – DUE TODAY USE PEN ONLY Plan writing on question sheet All writing must be on lined sheet, and must stay within the block Plan carefully. Each question has three parts Each part has three sentences Each sentence will earn up to five points