Lesson 52 Properties of Liquids Day 2
A liquid in a tall glass has the same shape as the glass. Day 2 Explain 1 A liquid in a tall glass has the same shape as the glass. If the liquid is poured from the glass into a short cup, it will take the shape of the short cup.
A property of liquids is they do not have their own shape. Day 2 Explain 2 A property of liquids is they do not have their own shape. Liquids flow to take the shape of the container.
Words that describe how liquids look Day 2 Explain 3 Words that describe how liquids look color words: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, brown, black shape words: circle, rectangle, square, triangle, round, straight words that compare dark or light cloudy or clear
Words that describe how liquids smell Day 2 Explain 4 Words that describe how liquids smell sweet sour burned rotting
Words that describe how liquids feel Day 2 Explain 5 Words that describe how liquids feel hot warm cool cold sticky slippery
Words that describe how liquids flow Day 2 Explain 6 Words that describe how liquids flow fast slow
Liquid Properties A B C D LOOKS SMELLS FEELS FLOWS color shape Day 2 Explain 7 Liquid Properties A B C D LOOKS color shape clear/cloudy SMELLS sweet/sour burned rotten FEELS hot/cold warm/cool sticky slippery FLOWS fast/slow not at all
Let’s Investigate Which liquid will flow the fastest? Day 2 Explain 8 Let’s Investigate QUESTION Which liquid will flow the fastest? Which liquid will flow the slowest? INVESTIGATE You investigate when you make a plan and follow the plan to answer a question. Which liquid will flow the fastest? Which liquid will flow the slowest?
Let’s Investigate Which liquid will flow the fastest? Which liquid will flow the slowest? Day 2 Explain 9 place masking tape on the tray to form 4 columns use sticky notes to label columns A, B, C, D 4 liquids that are different GATHER MATERIALS Make a guess about which liquid will flow the fastest and which will flow the slowest. HYPOTHESIS
Day 2 Explain 10 Let’s Investigate Which liquid will flow the fastest? Which liquid will flow the slowest? Predict which liquid fill be the fastest and which will be the slowest. Record what each liquid A, B, C, D looks like. Place liquid (a spoonful) at the top of each column that corresponds with the letter of the liquid. Tilt the tray enough for the liquids to flow. Record how the liquids flowed. Record what place (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) the liquid finishes. FOLLOW A PLAN
Let’s Investigate Fill out the record sheet with observations. Which liquid will flow the fastest? Which liquid will flow the slowest? Day 2 Explain 11 Fill out the record sheet with observations. Which liquid finished first? Which liquid finished last? How did each liquid flow? OBSERVATIONS Answer your question. Which liquid flowed the fastest? Which liquid flowed the slowest? CONCLUSIONS
Which liquid finished first? __________________________ Day 2 Explain 12 Which liquid finished first? __________________________ Why do you think this liquid finished first? __________________________________________________________ Which liquid finished last? ________________ Why do you think it finished last? _________________________________________________________________ What do think is Liquid A? _____________________________ Liquid B? ________________________________ What do think is Liquid C? _____________________________ Liquid D? ________________________________ SCIE_2_A_Les52Day2PropertiesOfLiquids_MAT 2014 CFISD
Is this jar of marbles full? Could we add anything else to the jar? Day 2 Elaborate 1 Is this jar of marbles full? Could we add anything else to the jar? Why or why not?
If we added this cup of milk to the jar with the marbles Day 2 Elaborate 2 If we added this cup of milk to the jar with the marbles What would happen to the milk? How would the jar of marbles change?