Hela Sarana 20th AGM Photo Gallery 20 years and going strong Hela Sarana 20th AGM Photo Gallery
Delectable cuisine
So much to choose
It was fabulous entertainment from the word go The famous foursome It was fabulous entertainment from the word go
Some Great Movers and Shakers Dancing till midnight
The attentive audience It was great to have the support of the membership and the well-wishers
The attentive audience Lot of projects that drew attention
The Team Leaders for the Chronic Kidney Disease Projects Delivering an array of interventions for this multifactorial disease
Education Grants - a great team behind the success Children and young people need more sponsors
President and the Secretary Delivering the annual report
Hela Sarana contribution to reduce the carbon foot prints Sustainable Energy Hela Sarana contribution to reduce the carbon foot prints
Hela Sarana Youth Committee Fund raising for their own projects Fun filled activities Facebook and Twitter
Managing the money flow is not only a Treasurer’s job Raffle items to raise funds for The disability project Managing the money flow is not only a Treasurer’s job The Finance report
The AGM is not a success without the support Some manned the gates
The Audio Visuals and Photography is a thankless job We thank you Aruna for taking this huge responsibility
Organiser in chief of the AGM Irie we owe a great deal to your commitments