Welcome back to our 17th meeting! February 21st, 2019 RUSA E-Board Updates Welcome back to our 17th meeting! February 21st, 2019
Academic Affairs Committee - Aneesh Deshpande Expos meeting moved to next week, briefly spoke over phone Very open to the idea of having Expos Tutors be the student representatives Got quotes for clickers Pricing looks very high right now, looking to negotiate Potentially similar system to that of the library subsidy program Committee meeting canceled tomorrow, will be meeting next week Office Hours: Tuesday 9-11 AM Contact: rusa.academicaffairs@gmail.com (908)-510-1252
Athletics ~ Ryan Cassidy Athletics Coordinator Talked with Hinita and the SAAC H&W Chair Karysa Friday to discuss specifics of Green Bandana Project Also going to partner Athletics with Health and Wellness Committee Physical Health Event -> Dodgeball Tournament Met w/Teri yesterday to discuss everything from this week Contact: rmc316@scarletmail.rutgers.edu or (609) 845-7707
Big Ten - Patrick B. Phillips Contact me → big10.rusa@gmail.com
Health & Wellness Committee - Hinita Patel Initiatives The Bandana Project Meeting with Ryan and Karysa, SAAC Health & Wellness Chair Working on resource card template and script for training volunteers Physical Health Event Working on logistics, including location and activities Committee Meetings: Thursdays @ 5 p.m. in SAC Conference Room Email: healthandwellness.rusa@gmail.com
IA Committee - Alex Anderson Standing Rules Document? -Standing Rules Changes next week!
Legislative Affairs - Julien Rosenbloom Continuing to finalize details and prepare for Frank Pallone Town Hall Waiting to confirm briefings and speakers Capitol tour confirmed Finalizing food information Interesting developments re: open textbook advocacy Following Targum Article, Assistant Director of Research Commercialization reached out with resources and offered help. Will be setting up a meeting with his office in the coming weeks. Will be working with SVE in the coming weeks to get two pieces of legislation on the March voting docket of Assembly and Senate, possibly arranging testimony Committee meetings: Wednesdays @ 8pm in the SAC. Office Hours: Thursdays 1pm-3pm, 6pm-7pm. Contact: rusa.legislativeaffairs1@gmail.com, (908) 323-8971.
Parliamentarian Robert’s Rules Review was today! “Ain’t no party like a parliamentary party…” Impending Procedural Matters Allocations Rep Closed Session We will go over these later! Standing Rules: the report has been finished and was introduced to the IAC last week. Come to the IAC Meeting to if you wish to provide final input. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Pending Parliamentary Matters (Comment Period through 2/27): Position of the Treasurer Terms of Office Residency Requirement for Campus Representatives
Quote of the Day “All Rutgers graduates should have the pleasure of looking back fondly at their time here. That is why we are removing bureaucratic barriers and giving students a positive experience in every aspect of their college career. / As a first step, we are improving the way students interact with the university.” — Robert L. Barchi from “Serving Students Better” (Winter 2017) Hopefully, you’ve read this week’s resolution. ;) Source: president.rutgers.edu
Public Relations - Emily Kane
Secretary - Ana Leah Long My Contact Info: Email: secretary.rusa@gmail.com Phone #: 201-539-0750
“Karma’s only a bitch if you are” Senate Leader “Karma’s only a bitch if you are” Stay woke
Sexual Violence Education (SVE) Department- Channel Jordan Updates: End Sexual Violence Now Committee Meeting Phone Banking Event A4521 → Institute Fines A1984 → Mandatory annual reporting of higher education institutions Rutgers Sex Week→ Join the working group! Department Meetings: Fridays at 5:00 pm RUSA Office Office Hours: Tuesdays, 3:00-6:00 pm Contact: svedepartment@gmail.com Quote of the Day: “I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.” -James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time
Student Affairs - Jhanvi Gender Neutral Bathroom Sign Initiative / Mini Homework Assignment - Feb 28th or March 7th Coffee Chats w/ RUSA - Week of March 11th One day for each caucus - let me know the top 2 days your caucus prefers by tomorrow morning What’s on Your Mind Report - March 28th If you like data and spreadsheets , reach out!
Treasurer - Priti Kantesaria :) I’ll be coming at 10pm after I finish MC’ing Cardboard Canoe Races! I have checks for: Patrick Phillips, Ryan Cassidy, Jess Tuazon, Emily Kane, and Julien Rosenbloom! I can give them to you later tonight or at E-Board on Sunday. Spring Budgets open on Friday 2/22 and close on 3/22! Come to Budget Help Night, if you need help! Tues. 2/26 in LSC 201 B @ 6:50-8:30pm Tues. 3/12 in DSC Meeting B @ 6:50-8:30pm HMU if you have questions/concerns @ rusa.treasurer1@gmail.com or 732-896-1762!
University Affairs- Dominique Little Contact Information: 908-265-2393 rusauniversityaffairs1@gmail.com Committee Meetings Transportation and Sustainability: Wednesdays @ 12pm Dining and Public Safety: Fridays @ 5pm
Vice President - Jessica Tuazon Updates: Super excited to be the Elections Chair Elections Info Sessions Tuesday, March 5, 2019 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM RUSA Election Info Session (Confirmed) LSC Gathering Lounge Wednesday, March 6, 2019 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM RUSA Election Info Session (Confirmed) CASC 109 Monday, March 11, 2019 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM RUSA Election Info Session (Confirmed) BSC 174 Wednesday, March 13, 2019 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM RUSA Election Info Session (Confirmed) DSC Douglass Lounge My Contact Info: Email: vicepresident.rusa@gmail.com Phone #: 908-448-6639
President’s Update!