Features of the LIMT gene and RNA abundance in cell lines of different tissues of origin Features of the LIMT gene and RNA abundance in cell lines of different tissues of origin Schematic representation of the annotated RefSeq gene models of LIMT (NR_002809; chromosome 12q24.31) and the neighboring protein‐coding genes (RHOF and SETD1B). Arrows denote direction of transcription (note that LIMT resides on the minus strand). Also shown is the distribution of evolutionary conservation along the sequence of LIMT across 100 vertebrate species. Note that the 5′ region of LIMT is highly conserved (green rectangle). Promoter‐associated histone methylation (H3K4Me3) and acetylation (H3K27Ac3) were obtained in MCF7 and MCF10A cells, respectively (see Materials and Methods). Acetylation signals were obtained for MCF10A cells stimulated with EGF for 20 min (green), or unstimulated (black; overlaying histogram). Note that stimulation with EGF caused a decrease in acetylation at the promoter region (red rectangle).Expression of LIMT was determined in a panel of 44 cancer and non‐cancer cell lines using real‐time qPCR. Expression levels were normalized to the GAPDH transcript and presented in arbitrary units (A.U.). N, non‐cancer cell line. Aldema Sas‐Chen et al. EMBO Mol Med. 2016;emmm.201606198 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend