Meet the Teacher Welcome to Primary 5
Literacy and English Nelson Spelling - Monday and Wednesday Nessy Spelling - Daily Nelson Handwriting -Monday Collins Grammar - Tuesday Big Writing - Thursday Close Reading 7-9/Teaching Comprehension Strategies/Focus on Comprehension – Tuesday Big Cat Reading Books - Wednesday Rapid Readers - Daily Talking and listening - Friday
Numeracy and Mathematics Heinemann Mathematics Heinemann Active Maths TeeJay Mathematics Maths Comprehension Cards Collins Cross Curricular Word Problems in Maths Collins Speaking and Listening in Maths Big Maths Daily Mental Maths Practice
Health and Wellbeing Indoor PE - Games – Monday Indoor PE - Fitness – Wednesday Outdoor PE – Cross Country Running – Tuesday Mental/Social/Emotional Health – Bounceback/Mindfulness Weekly assembly – share achievements GIRFEC
Other Curricular Areas Social Studies - Mary Queen of Scots Science - Friction Drama - Flannan Isle Art - Observational drawing and 3D Craft ICT - Internet Safety/E- Portfolios RE – Sikhism Technology – Craft Design
Homework Spelling - Weekly (issued on an Monday for Friday) Reading - Weekly (issued Wednesday for following Wednesday) Mental Maths - Weekly (Monday to Thursday) Additional Language or Maths work (Alternate Weeks) Other Research/Curricular Area – Roughly Twice a Term
How you can help… Please remind your child to:- Complete homework diary and get it signed Prepare all homework to a high standard and ask an adult to check and sign homework Undertake reading homework with an adult Ensure they bring PE kit on correct days Put homework into school bag Return letters on time Ensure they have all equipment e.g. pencils/reading glasses etc. Ensure they have a full water bottle on arrival each morning