8 Parts of speech?
a “joiner” for words, phrases, or clauses in a particular sentence Conjunctions a “joiner” for words, phrases, or clauses in a particular sentence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pDSjOcFM3U
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZcka8Zg-uc plural noun singular nouns common nouns proper nouns abstract concrete https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZcka8Zg-uc
Noun Person Place Thing Animal Event or idea
Common Noun People: mother, father, child, teenager, man grandmother, student, teacher, salesclerk, woman Animals: lion, tiger, bear, dog, cat, alligator, cricket, bird, wolf Things: table, truck, book, pencil, iPad, computer, coat, boots Places: city, state, country, continent, coffee shop, restaurant, park, zoo Ideas: envy, love, hate, respect, patriotism, pride
Proper Nouns A proper noun is the name given to something to make it more specific Ex. Johnathan, President Obama, London, Monday, Christmas Proper nouns are written with capital letters regardless of where they appear in a sentence.
Common vs. Proper Common Proper Man woman state company store restaurant river institution Mr. O Ms. Woodson Virginia General Motors Target Applebee’s The Mississippi River Virginia State University
names one person, place, thing, or idea Singular noun names one person, place, thing, or idea The boy had a baseball in his hand. That cat never seems to tire of jumping in and out of the box. You stole my idea and didn’t give me any credit. Your mom is going to be upset about that broken lamp.
names more than one person, place, thing, or idea Plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or idea The boys were throwing baseballs back and forth between bases. Those cats never seem to tire of chasing one another in and out of those boxes. You stole my ideas and didn’t give me any credit. Our moms are going to be upset that we stayed out all night going to parties.
Nouns: Abstract; Concrete Nouns can name many things. Some nouns are Abstract: a noun that CANNOT be physically touched with the hand or fingers. Ex. Love, Anger, Violence, Courage, Friendship Concrete: a noun that CAN be physically touched with the hand or fingers. Ex. Canine, Textbook, Diploma, Aircraft, Dessert
Verb a word used to describe an action A physical action (to swim, to write, to climb). A mental action (to think, to guess, to consider). A state of being (to be, to exist, to appear).
Examples of verbs Alison bought a ticket. I thought the same thing. It was a joke. I am. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jwYTZdUVi0
Adverb Adverbs modify (describe) verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. We will eat there. Your face is extremely red. The baby crawled very slowly.
Adverbs answer… How?” She watched the children carefully. “When?” I always arrive early for my appointment. “Where?” Why don’t you play outside? “How much?” After the trip, I was totally exhausted. “How often?” We watch movies occasionally.
Adjective words that modify – that is describe, quantify, or identify – a noun or pronoun
Adjectives at work The star-shaped kite glided through the air. Jennifer covered her bedroom walls with neon green paint. The racing boat zoomed over the calm surface of the lake. The cave was dark and cold. Many fans turned out for the big championship game. The cracked vase set on the dusty shelf.
Conjunctive adverbs Conjunctive adverbs can connect clauses or sentences also, besides, finally, however, instead, nevertheless, next, now, otherwise, still, then, therefore, and thus.
Preposition words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word or part of the sentence.
Commonly used prepositions about below excepting off toward above beneath for on under across beside(s) from onto underneath after between in out until against beyond in front of outside up along but inside over upon among by in spite of past up to around concerning instead of regarding with at despite into since within because of down like through without before during near throughout with regard to behind except of to with respect to
a word that shows emotion Interjection a word that shows emotion Yowza! That is a fine looking car. Hurray! It is a snow day and school is cancelled. It is so exciting, my goodness, I just can’t believe it. Oh! I can’t believe how nice you look. Boo! I scared you. Woops, I dropped the milk and it spilled. Yay, it is finally Friday and the work week is over.