Holes and Such Romans 10:14-18a
Holes and Such This year, metyouth exists to train and encourage every Pastor, Sponsor and Student to personally share the Gospel with at least one person who needs to hear this Good News
Holes and Such In order for this happen… We must Acknowledge our Part We must Embrace our Fears We must Celebrate our Obedience
Call What are we calling? Romans 10:8-13 Jesus is Lord I am a Sinner (Puke) - Confession of Sin Saved – from what… Jesus is my Lord – personal
“You can’t tell me they’re not hungry for God when they wear crystals around their necks, lay down hundreds of dollars a day to listen to gurus, and call psychics to the tune of billions of dollars per year.” Tommy Tenney, extreme God Chasers
HEAR And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? Romans 10:14 And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
Who Will Tell Your Family, Friend? Romans 10:15 The Scriptures say it is a beautiful sight to see even the feet of someone coming to preach the good news. (from Isaiah 52:7)
What Will You Tell Them? who brings good news,the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!
SPEAK/PREACH Preach – NIV, Amplified, NASB, ESV Tell – Message, CEV, NCV Go & Tell – NLT
To Speak/Preach/Tell Requires Big Idea Explanation Illustration Conviction Preach – Verb: Almost always used in reference to the proclamation Good News of Christ Preacher – gives the proclamation
If Not You…Who??? Who can best represent the Good News of Jesus to the people who matter most to you?
Next Week… SEND
“I can’t help but think that if we fail to even try to reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ, then He sure wasted a lot of blood on Calvary. Now that makes me uncomfortable” Tommy Tenney, extreme God Chasers