District Operational Monitoring Initiative
DOMI GENESIS History and conceptual development The need for district monitoring Info needs and data gaps Discussion and info sharing (FS and Licensee) RICH: HISTORY: District Culture/Climate group, roles document and during FSP review/approval process, thinking about FRPA implementation – How do we implement FRPA, what does that look like and mean? How will we know what is happening? How can we be involved, part of and on top of what is happening? How do we communicate with our licensees? Share info? Be proactive while still within FRPA? How do we know if we are doing the right thing, making the right decisions? Legal and non-legal realm. Are non-legislated areas not being monitored/addressed? NEED: Are we collecting all of the info that we need to help us make good decisions? Do we need more? We have FREP, C&E, other. What about the gap between FREP and C&E? Do they cover all that we need? What are each District’s priorities (high risk items), do we have enough info to help us make decisions around these items? (eg Forest Health performance) Monitor to get that info then, share it with our organization and our licensees. Licensee involvement: are there areas of info that are important to them? How can we collaborate through professional discussion for the greater good under FRPA, professional reliance? Get out an kick the dirt together.
Why District Monitoring ? Need to assess and monitor forest management practices to address specific local needs and concerns This is outside the scope of: FREP and other monitoring initiatives - effectiveness C&E - legislated RICH: The roles of each program differ in terms of SCOPE, INTENSITY, and TARGETED OUTCOMES. They are, however, considered complimentary. Purpose of FREP: Are forest practices achieving government objectives for FRPA? Intensive, detailed, scientific, focused on 11 FRPA values. Data is collected to assess impacts of operational activities on specific resource values, often using comparisons with baseline data. (Time consuming, expensive) Purpose of C&E: to ensure licensees are meeting the results and strategies they have outlined in their FSP, and that they are compliant with legislation (different targeted outcome) Purpose of DOMI: To prioritize info needs in a consistent manner. To supplement or fulfil District information needs in a consistent manner.
DOMI Objectives To monitor forest management practices and performance (ie. Standards of practice – FSP and non-FSP) To promote collaborative and constructive professional dialogue, ensuring the success of the professional reliance model under FRPA. RICH: What is DOMI: District lead based on district priorities. Voluntary, not necessary. Not just Tenures or Stewardship, but multi-program. Extensive, routine. Involves communication with other initiatives (ie FREP). May expand or contract as necessary based on district needs. Involves communication with licensees at the local level. Involves intra-oranizational communication and potentially feedback to higher level of our organization for potential change.
Inputs and Outputs of Monitoring Local Priorities Risk Analysis District Monitoring BERNIE: DOMI grew in part as a result of the DM’s wanting to know what is happening within their Districts under FRDA. The intent is to address immediate informational needs and is not intensive in nature but rather routine or extensive. FREP is still in its infancy and as such may not be addressing all of the current district needs although in time FREP may expand to capture all of the districts priority needs. Change from FPC to FRPA was not intended to result in a reduction to forest stewardship but rather to shift the focus onto professional reliance and allowing for innovation/flexibility to achieve desired outcomes best forest mgm’t practices. To this end the data collected provides important information of the status, trends and implementation issues related to specific areas of concern. Can red flag areas that may require change to local practices or a more intensive investigation. Improve FSP approval decisions Adjust admin decisions Professional dialogue Adjust TSR assumptions Adaptive Management Legislative updates Further/different type of monitoring
The Concept Provide tools and methodology to help prioritize and implement monitoring Coordinate district monitoring with other agencies/programs Model Process – prioritize, gap/overlap analysis, methodology, monitor BERNIE: Why is there a need for this group to get together - to provide consistency in approach between Districts/Regions. To ensure that the intent and interpretation of district monitoring roles and responsibilities are clearly communicated and understood. - Where possible, to provide tools, expertise and support. - to make sure we are coordinating & not overlapping with other initiatives and/or program areas. - Model process to guide district in developing a prioritized list of issues/concerns (Stakeholder input). determining need and if so… who to do, when and how. -
Next Steps Feedback and ideas from all Districts Collaborate with FREP, PFIT, etc DOMI to develop a model (i.e. Risk Analysis) Each district to use model to identify priority areas Determine monitoring methodology Monitor priority areas IMPROVE FOREST PRACTICES & ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS BERNIE: Feedback – ideas on district informational needs and also what concern about DOMI implementation need to be addressed. (Breakout session) Will be meeting with Peter Bradford (Branch FREP contact) and Charlie Western (PFIT chair) in early April to further discuss DOMI and its implementation strategy