Targets position survey Positron runs with MMS runs 1356-1360 e+, 1GeV runs 1361-1364 e-, 1GeV Proton runs with MMS runs 1369-1379 p, 10GeV, 30 deg runs 1380-1391 p, 6 GeV, 30 deg Positron runs with plexiglass annihilator runs 1625-1627, 1630-1632 e+, 1GeV runs 1634-1641 e-, 1GeV
Proton runs TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW twr3 twr2 15cm 10.5cm MMS 12cm foam 7.5cm MMS 10.5cm MMS target made of 4 layer of micro-meteroid-shield wrapped into black tape 15cm 10.5cm 10.5cm
Positron runs – MMS TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW twr3 twr2 15cm 10.5cm MMS 15cm wood 16cm
Positron runs – annihilator TOP VIEW twr3 twr2 Annihilator is plexiglass centered on beam with dimensions (X,Y,Z): 120x120x26.2mm (6x3.6+4.6 layers) Info from run 1625: X_beam (average VtxXo) = 120 Zdir (avg) = 20deg Finger counters for trigger side by side with dimensions (X,Y,Z): 15x40x2mm 26cm (annihilator axis – beam impact point on ISC) 28cm (annihilator axis – beam axis with B=0)