ELECTIVES for Course Selection Day Department of English ELECTIVES for Course Selection Day Click the photo below to view options for English Department electives.
Which Way Do I Go? As an NV student, you have several options for additional selections in the English Department. To follow the creative writing path, click here! publications path,
CREATIVE WRITING I AND II Creative Writing I and Creative Writing II are each semester-long courses that explore a variety of genres and styles. Whether you want to become a writer or feel like you are a terrible writer, these classes can help you overcome your fear and encourage you to explore your creative side. We write and read and watch movies. We do not read any novels or write any in-class essays. What genres and writings will I learn and study?
The Major Genres of CWI and CWII Narrative Poetry Screenwriting Satire Flash fiction/monologues Exploration of genres: science fiction, comedy, fantasy, steampunk, and more To go back and learn about the publications, click here!
Theatre Arts I and II Theatre Arts I: Focuses on introducing acting in both monologues and paired scene settings, playing with Improv, and introducing elements of technical theatre. Provides brief looks at different genres of theater throughout the ages. Script and Scene Analysis through the foundations of drama Helps to become less shy / take more risks. Theatre Arts II: Theatre Arts I is a prerequisite for this course. Develops more advanced styles of acting, including Classical Theater and character/mask acting. Introduction to the directing process. Culminates in a Performance for the Final Exam at Gregory Middle School during their Young Authors Festival. What genres and writings will I learn and study?
Click here to return to the English Electives page Public Speaking This course counts toward graduation as general electives, but NOT as fulfillment of the four-year English graduation requirement. This course develops essential oral communication skills introduced previously in the language arts experience. Individual speeches, such as children’s stories, prose reading, award acceptance, impromptu speaking, radio speaking, and original essays are performed in this semester program. Special attention is given to acquiring poise, confidence, and dignity as a speaker. Click here to return to the English Electives page
What will I do in Journalism? Yearbook Yearbook is a year-long course. Students on the Yearbook staff take pictures and write copy for the annual publication. What will I do in Journalism? Go back to the path!
Journalism and The Echo Staff Journalism is a year-long course. Students on The Echo staff take pictures and write articles, editorials, and more for the monthly publication. Not sure where you will go from this link… Go back to the path!