School Priorities 01788 840600
Every lesson every day. Are students are actively engaged; Listening to the teacher/students, completing work, group work, practical activity. Can students tell you what they are learning? Are all students being appropriately challenged/supported Assessment for learning- Questioning (Individual and whole class) Circulating the classroom checking students work. (Page 33)
Every lesson every day; In the books Presentation policy being followed . Do the books look well kept and do students have a sense of pride in them. Literacy policy being followed.(Page 42) Is the work marked using FAR? Are the responses detailed and showing progress? PLEASE DO NOT FAR MARK EVERY PIECE OF WORK.
Every lesson every day; Learning environment Is the learning environment supporting learning? Are the displays current and updated. Do they celebrate outstanding work? Is the room clean and tidy? Does all the equipment work?
Around the school – everybody. Be punctual to lessons Receive students as they enter your room Don’t send students out of lessons unless absolutely necessary Use every minute of every lesson – don’t let students out early Check uniform at the start and end of lessons Leave the classroom in an orderly manner Be positive – you set the tone for the learning and you are the most important resource.
Other Reminders Registers: If there are technical issues please send a paper register to the Admin Office. Detention Slips: Please hand in to Admin Office at the earliest opportunity and add your school initials to the yellow slip. KS4 class result evaluation sheets are due to HoDs by Friday 15th Sept and HoD Exam reports should also be sent to Line Managers and MJM Posters for classrooms will be ready for next week, please remember to remove any information that is out of date