Using more complex number lines. Demonstrate reasoning for place value Maths Using more complex number lines. Demonstrate reasoning for place value Complex word problem (3 step) Complex problems using fraction notation. Read and write numbers to at least 100 in words/ numerals. Understand that 2/4 is the same as ½ Solving problem involving time. Draw hands on a clock for o’clock/half past. sorting and interpreting data. Hook: Archaeological dig of the past events/ inventions. Outcome: Children to create a personal time capsule about recent/ relevant events. (to be buried somewhere in school) English Reading: Fluency Making links Comprehension skills. Talk for Writing: Recounts- language/ key features of a recount. Children to write recounts of various events. N.C Report- link to R.E- Judaism. Grammar: Suffixes Prefixes Punctuation- full stops/ capitals, exclamation marks and question marks adjectives Apostrophe, possessive and contraction Tense YEAR 2 Time travellers International Links Different festivals around the world. RRS– Article 17 every child has the right to reliable information from a variety of sources. ART/DT Making a time capsule Making an amour and shield for a Roman soldier History: Finding out information from the past by asking someone that was there and other resources such as books/ internet. RE Judaism- place of worship (synagogue) Torah Possibly a trip to the Jewish Museum- (In Camden) How you can help your child at home Complete your homework Times table ( 2, 3, 5 and 10) Read every day with your child Spellings