Manifest Destiny and the Mexican War. Chapter 17, Sections 1,2. Manifest Destiny and the Mexican War.
Manifest Destiny Supporters of manifest destiny believed that they would spread democracy to conquered peoples.
James Polk He won the 1844 presidential election because he was an aggressive expansionist. Started the Mexican War by sending troops past the Rio Grande (the disputed border between TX and Mexico).
Oregon Country Desired by the United States for a port with which to trade with China.
Texas Annexation Texans hoped that US annexation would help solve the republic’s financial and military problems.
Zachary Taylor He was the first American general in charge of the Mexican War. Ended up being a president.
Santa Anna The military leader of Mexico during the Mexican War.
President Polk convinced Congress to declare war by saying that the Mexicans had attacked US troops on US soil.
The United States was outnumbered by the Mexican Army, but had better weapons and equipment.
The Bear Flag Revolt A group of American settlers near Sonoma (CA) revolted against the Califiornios.
Robert Stockton He was an American naval hero during the Mexican War. Declared California as a territory of the U.S.
Winfield Scott American general who replaced Taylor as head of the Army, and won battles at Vera Cruz and Mexico City.
Mexico City The Capital of Mexico and place where the last battle of the Mexican War was fought.
Nicholas Trist He negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and was fired by Polk. The Mexican Cession
Some Americans were dissatisfied with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo because they wanted to take all of Mexico