at St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School Welcome to Year 2 at St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School
Settling In Our Year 2 team is Miss Carlisle and Mrs Hull (TA). We are also helped by parent helpers and students doing courses.
Responsibilities The children will be at the top of KS1 and with that comes responsibilities. We are expecting the children to set a good example to the rest of the Key Stage with their work and behaviour. As the children will be maturing over the year it would help if they came up to class on their own to help this. If you ever need to speak to me I am always around at the end of the day.
Routines It is best if the children bring their PE kits in at the beginning of the half term and take them home to be washed at the end of the half term. I will let you know our PE slots In September. Reading books will now be changed on a Thursday and homework will also go home this day. The children are given 2 books and the books are only changed once a week. New behaviour system
Topics In Yea 2 the topics we cover are: The place where I live Fighting Fit Explorers The Farm shop The Wind in the Willows Buckets and Spades
Reading Reading is extremely important as it helps the children with their writing, phonic skills and with their imagination. It is very important that the children are read with on a weekly basis, especially this year. The children will get 2 reading book. Please ask the children the questions in the back of the book. Please sign the reading diary so the books can be changed on a Thursday. If you struggle to read with your child at home their is a pack there is a pack you can take home which can give you some tips and ideas on how to support them.
Homework The children will receive a piece of Maths homework on a Thursday, due in the following Thursday. The children will receive spellings on a Monday to be learnt over the week and they will be tested on them the following Monday.
Phonics We will still have a daily phonics lesson for 20 minutes where most children will be moving on to phase 6. For the children who didn’t pass their phonics screening test they will be doing fast track phonics with Mrs Polly and will take the test again at the end of Year 2.
SAT’s In May the children will sit their KS1 SAT’s test. There will be 2 reading tests, a spelling and a GPS test. I will be assessing their writing. They will also sit 2 maths papers. It is nothing for the children to worry about, the tests will be done in class and some of them are not timed. Please do not book any holidays during this time as it is imperative that the children are in school during the run up to SAT’s and during SAT’s week.
Ways you can support the children The most important way to support your child is ensuring they are read with weekly. You can also help the to begin learning their times tables (10x first, then 5x, 2x and then 3x) Useful websites: free games on phonics play, ict games, hit the button, splat square, communication4all
Any questions?