GUARANTEE OF CARE: What is acceptable readmission Ilkka Vohlonen, Professor Health Policy Eastern Finland University Casemix Conference Helsinki, Finland, 03.06.2010
CONTENTS 1. Definition of readmission 2. Other defintions of outcome quality Recovery period Incapability to work 3. Factors influencing the hospital´s success In-flow and out-flow of patients Role of primary care in relation to inpatient care 4. Factors determining readmission 5. Conclusions
Period of recovery after discharge City of Oulu City of Lahti PERIOD OF RECOVERY Less than a week 51% 48% 1-4 weeks 23% 25% 1mnth-3mnths 15% 9%
Ischaemic heart disease 1997-1999 - 2000-2002 Before Hospital After Sick leave (days)
Ischaemic heart disease 1997-1999 vs 2000-2002 before hospital after
University hospitals
University hospitals
CONCLUSION In Finland the most important factors determining readmission are I. Process related failures II. Outcome failures III. Structural failures