Protein interactions at the nuclear pore. Protein interactions at the nuclear pore. (A) Overview of the structure of the nuclear pore, the Nic96p sub‐complex, and the nucleo‐cytoplasmic traffic in yeast. (B) Selected frames of the time‐lapse analysis of a cell (white frame) expressing Nup49CCG and Nub‐Gsp1p after mating. The haploid cells are not framed. (C) Time‐dependent relative fluorescence intensity of Cherry (), GFP (), and the calculated fraction of converted Nup49CC () from the experiment shown in (B). Time 0 indicates the time point shortly before the fusion of the two nuclei. (D) As in (B) but showing a diploid cell expressing Nup49CCG and Nub‐Cdc14p after mating. (E) Analysis as in (C) but of the experiment shown in (D). The nuclear protein Nub‐Cdc14p does not interact. (F) Time‐dependent change of the fractions of converted Nup49CC through interaction with Nub‐Gsp1p (), Nub‐Nic96p (), Nub‐Nsp1p (), and Nub‐Cdc14p (). The averages of n=8 independent matings (error bars, s.e.) are shown. The expressions of the Nub fusions were induced by 100 μM copper. Scale bar, 5 μm. See also Supplementary Figure 2 and Supplementary Movies 3 and 4. Source data for this figure is available on the online supplementary information page. Daniel Moreno et al. Mol Syst Biol 2013;9:647 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend