Preparation of the second RBMP in Romania


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Presentation transcript:

Preparation of the second RBMP in Romania Elena TUCHIU National Administration „Apele Romane”/Romanian Waters

1st RBMP 2004 2006 2007 2009 2012 2015 SWMI 1st RBMP Characterisation Art.5 Monitoring Program PoM implementation Good Status Non EU MS EU MS National Management Plan represents the synthesis at the national level of 11 River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) Elaboration at 22 December 2009 RBMPs were presented, discussed and approved in the River Basin Committees Reporting to European Commission at 22 March 2010 Approved through Governmental Decision 80/2011 after SEA procedure On short, in this slide are the main steps for the implementation of the WFD. We have started in 2004 and in 2009 we have elaborated the first National Management Plan which represents the synthesis at the national level of 11 RBMPs. These Plans have been approved in the River Basin Committees, have been reported to EC in 2010 and approved through GD in 2011 after the Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure. 2012: Elaboration the interim report on PoM implementation

EC evaluation of the 1st RBMP Strengthes: Water governance It identifies the major sources of pollution The monitoring programme is continuously adjusted (e.g. the relevant BQEs are monitored) The RBMP was set up based on: strong stakeholder involvement and good coordination at international level with EU MSs and third countries under the framework of the International Commission for the Protection of Danube River. The establishment of methodologies extensively uses the CIS guidance documents Weaknesses : The use of biological quality elements for ecological status assessment is not complete The link between identified pressures, objectives and measures is not always clear The description of methodologies regarding e.g. cost-benefit analysis, exemptions etc. is very general The evaluation of ecological potential has low confidence level Harmonization between abiotic and biotic criteria is still under development for typology definition

Preparation of the 2nd planning cycle : 2013: Update of characteristics of the river basins, review of the environmental impact of human activity and economic analysis of water uses (Art. 5 of WFD) Interim overview of significant water management issues 2014: Elaboration of the drafts of the 2nd RBMPs and of the draft 2nd National Management Plan 22.12.2014 – 22.06.2015 – public consultation process! Elements which are the basis for the 2nd RBMP: Same approach – strong points of the 1st RBMP kept Leasons learnt, bridging gaps and solving weeknesses of the 1st RBMP – improving knowledge base Main data and information used: Monitoring of first PoMs implementation Monitoring program In 2012, the interim report on PoM was elaborated and reported to the EC; Last year we have updated the Art 5 of the WFD and the document regarding the SWMI has been elaborated and published on website for public consultation purpose. And now, we are in process to elaborate the second RBMPs.

Monitoring of first PoM implementation – 2012 Interim Report Total investments costs of implemented measures: 4966 mil. Euro - 88% of total planned costs

Progress in the 2nd RBMP approach in comparison with the 1st RBMP (1) Surface waters – main aspects Typology – biotic validation; SWBs delineation and HMWB designation - updated; Pressures and impact assessment: potential significant pressures definition, cumulative effect, WB level and sub-basin level (upstream and downstream), inventory of priority substances emissions, discharges and loses DPSIR approach with clear link between pressures, objectives and measures (updated risk asseessment) Monitoring improvement: monitoring network development, increasing the number of monitored quality elements and parameters (i.e. Priority Substances – 21 used in assessment of the CS in the 1st RBMP / 39 in the 2nd RBMP) SWBs status evaluation: Development and improvement of WFD compliant assessment methods: Rivers - BQEs: phytobenthos –new method, phytoplankton – improved method, benthic invertebrates – adjusted H/G and G/H thresholds ; FCQEs: conductivity, COD, BOD, Ntotal; specific pollutants: cyanides and detergents Lakes - BQEs: phytobenthos and benthic invertebrates –new method, phytoplankton – improved method ; FCQEs: pH, COD, BOD, nutrients (Ntotal, N-NO2, N-NO3, N-NH4, P-PO4); specific pollutants: cyanides and detergents Finalization of the IC exercise for some BQEs and SW categories Increasing the confidence level (2nd RBMP: about 70 % SWBs with high and medium confidence /1st RBMP: about 60 % SWBs with medium confidence) Increasing the number of SWBs evaluated

Progress in the 2nd RBMP approach in comparison with the 1st RBMP (2) Surface waters - Inventory of priority substances emissions, discharges and losses based on the recommendation of Guidance no. 28 on Preparation of Priority substances emissions inventory; made in 2014 based on information from 2012 and 2013; the first step: relevance test at the sub/basin level; second step: for relevant substances a more detailed analysis was made (information on concentrations upstream and downstream of discharge point, total loads calculation, diffuse load estimation, trends analysis in sediments, risk assessment, main measures applied) Inventory of PS emissions, discharges and losses at sub-basin level third step: identification of main gaps (lack/too little information or with good quality); next step: find solution for closing gaps identified in the previous step - improving monitoring

Progress in the 2nd RBMP approach in comparison with the 1st RBMP (3) Groundwaters – main aspects GWBs delineation and characterization updated - 142 GWBs in the 1st RBMP and 143 GWBs in the 2nd RBMP; Application of an improved methodology on GWBs chemical status assessment ; TVs updated / modified for some parameters and set for an increased number of parameters and GWBs - TVs established for 124 GWBs in the 1st RBMP and for 142 GWBs in the 2nd RBMP; Improved methodology for trend assessment elaborated based on the relevant CIS GD No. 18 and applied for an increased number of GWBs - in the 1st RBMP (19 GWBs) and in the 2nd RBMP 63 GWBs; Methodology for assessing GWDTE (used in the 1st RBMP) will be improved considering the Technical Report “Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems” (no. 6) and Technical Report on methodologies used for assessing groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems (no.8) - ongoing study the improved methodology could be applied in 2015

Results: SWBs - Ecological status/potential

Results: SWBs - Chemical status monitoring data from 2013 mainly, but also from 2009 - 2012; over 97% of SWBs assessed - 94% in GCS; comparing with 1st RBMP: the percentage of SWBs in GCS has increased with 1,2 %; trend analysis of concentrations of priority substances in sediment showed decreasing trend

Results: GWBs – Chemical status

Updated PoM and exemptions Investment costs of measures – SWBs - Exemptions Investment costs of measures – first PoM / second PoM GWBs – Exemptions

Thank you for your attention!