Young Junior High Exams & Testing Dates are on YJH’s Calendar Get Connected to Young JH: Text "follow youngjhpta" to the number 40404 to receive text messages about YJH Young JH's Twitter Account: PTA Young JH Young JH’s Facebook Page: therealyoungjuniorhighschool Website: Visit for more information including YJH’s Calendar Office: 682-867-3400 Young Junior High 2018 3/6: 6pm PTA Meeting 3/12-3/16: Spring Break 3/23: 8am Student of the Month 4/3: 6pm PTA Meeting 4/20: 8am Student of the Month Report Cards sent home 4/22: 7pm Spring Orchestra Concert 4/23: YJH Awards Night 4/24: 6:30pm Spring Band Concert 5/18: 6pm Hawaiian Dance Hosted by PTA 6/1-6/2: Exams 6/5: Last Day of School Exams & Testing Dates are on YJH’s Calendar Dates & times subject to change due to a conflict with an AISD event or YJH event. Text messages will be sent out to remind parents about any new events, changed dates/times, and upcoming events. Additional school events & information are located on the Young JH Calendar on the YJH website.