What are the new challenges for the Democratic-Republican party? The Jeffersonian Era What are the new challenges for the Democratic-Republican party?
Supreme court nullifies Judiciary Act (power of judicial review) Marbury v. Madison 1800: Jefferson defeats Adams On last night in office, Adams appoints several new fed judges Next day, Jefferson tells Madison not to deliver Adams’ choices One nominee Marbury asks Supreme Court to force Madison to deliver noms because of Judiciary Act of 1789 Chief Justice John Marshall says Judiciary Act is not constitutional Supreme court nullifies Judiciary Act (power of judicial review)
Jefferson Expands Government Jefferson promised to shrink the size of federal govt with spending cuts and lower taxes (Republicanism) However, Jefferson spends $15 million on Louisiana territory VQ/Discuss: Why was Lewis & Clark’s expedition important? Discuss: How could Jefferson’s action be hypocritical?
Second Term: Trouble w/ British 1804: Jefferson easily wins re-election, but British continue Impressment (seizing American ships) Embargo Act of 1807: Due to impressment, Jefferson states Americans can no longer export goods to Europe
Madison’s Presidency James Madison elected in 1808, British continue impressment policy & begin violating Jay’s Treaty June 1812: Madison asks Congress for declaration of war Federalists against the war, block funding in Congress British capture Washington DC in 1814, burn Capital and Exec. Mansion, but British agree to sign the Treaty of Ghent in 1814 Results of war: Federalist party “dies”, American manufacturing increases, issues with British finally settled
Domestic Issues under Monroe 1816: James Monroe elected President his goal to improve intl. relations: 1) Signs treaty w/ Britain, defining border w/ Canada 2)Adams-Onis treaty w/ Spain defines SW border + Florida Monroe Doctrine warns Europeans to stay out of W. Hem. 1820: Economy struggles, Spkr of House Henry Clay proposes “American System”(tariffs, cont. Ntl Bank, build canals & railroad) North in favor, South opposed, West likes part of it
Expansion of Slavery Missouri & Maine want to become states (free or slave states?) Monroe (a slave owner) wants all new states to vote for free/slave status, North upset that slavery could expand Missouri Compromise (1820) added Missouri as a slave state, Maine a free state, expansion of slavery based on 36/30 line North of 36/30=free, South of 36/30= slavery to be voted on by state