Georgia Milestones Literature and Composition Scoring Rubric Points Description 2 The response achieves the following: gives sufficient evidence of the ability to determine and answer the question provided in the prompt includes specific examples/details that make clear reference to the text (includes a direct quote that is properly integrated) adequately explains the question provided in the prompt and the supporting information with clearly relevant details based on the text response demonstrates evidence of proofreading (no distracting errors with conventions-grammar, spelling, and punctuation) Response is a minimum of seven sentences 1 gives limited evidence of the ability to determine and answer the question provided in the prompt includes limited examples that make reference to the text explains the question provided in the prompt and the supporting information with limited details based on the text Response has a minimum of five sentences gives no evidence of the ability to determine and answer the question provided in the prompt OR attempts to answer the question provided in the prompt but includes no examples or no examples/ details that make reference to the text answers the question provided in the prompt but includes no explanation or no relevant information from the text Response is fewer than five sentences