Proteins and Enzymes 2:3
Proteins- building blocks of life. A. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. B. Formed by polymers (SUBUNITS) called (amino acids) C. The most diverse macromolecule. D. Fight diseases, help carry out chemical reactions, and transport small molecules in and out of cells.
A. 20 different amino acids (all are named) B. Link together forming proteins. C. Building blocks of proteins. D. The order or sequence amino acids bond together will determine the type of protein that will be made. E. Amino Acids are bonded together by PEPTIDE bonds. F. Many amino acids bonded to form a protein called a polypeptide chain.
3. The instruction for arranging amino acids lies in the DNA. 4. A polypeptide chain that forms particular proteins, have up to 4 levels of organization. A. Sequence of amino acids. B. Amino acid chain, twisted or folded. C. Protein can have more than one chain.
Dipeptide – 2 amino acids bonded together by peptide bonds. Polypeptide – A large number of amino acids bonded together by peptide bonds.
Proteins made of amino acids.
4. Enzymes A. Proteins that act as biological catalyst in living things. 1) A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction. They work by lowering a reactions activation energy. a. Activation energy is energy needed to start a chemical reaction. b. By lowering the activation energy it effects how quickly the reaction is completed.
C. The two have to fit together perfectly (lock and key). B. Enzyme reactions depend on a physical fit between the enzyme molecule and its substrate. The substrate could be considered the product being reacted on or changed. C. The two have to fit together perfectly (lock and key). D. Enzyme and substrate join the enzyme to change shape, and weaken the bond. 1. Reducing the activation energy. E. After reaction, enzyme releases the new product.