PAWS Arrival & Dismissal
Objectives Review the PAWS expectations for arrival and dismissal By the end of this lesson, all students will be able to describe the expected behavior at arrival and dismissal
Behavior Expectations
Persevere Wait patiently Use appropriate tone of voice
Are always responsible Be on time Be ready with school materials Come to school daily
Work and play safely Stay in assigned area Walking only Hands to self Keep your backpack on your back
Show Respect Use greetings Use positive language Compliment Smile Follow school expectations
Pause and think of PAWS What is an appropriate tone of voice to use in the morning before school? Where should you keep your backpack at all times? Why? Where should you go if you get to school early? Where should you go if you are waiting for a family member who is running late after school?
Rewards Students who are caught following the rules will receive a PAWS ticket
Consequences Students who choose not to follow the rules will have consequences for their actions
Reflection Why is it important for all students to follow the behavior expectations at arrival and dismissal? What will you do today during arrival and dismissal to show that you are pausing and thinking about PAWS?
Let’s Practice Now we will visit the locations for arrival and dismissal to practice these expectations