Lesson Objectives Understanding the Focus Group technique, Learning how to apply it, Comprehending its benefits. 17.05.2019 Focus Group
Focus Group Focus groups are the discussion groups formed out of individuals having similar information or experience gathered in order to discuss a specific topic. Focus groups are “focused” for two reasons. Firstly, individuals taking part in the discussion are participants who have certain characteristics and are selected for a specific purpose. Secondly, the aim of the discussion is to obtain information about a specific topic or a narrow field. Focus group technique is performed in an unofficial place and in a comfortable environment. Under normal conditions, it should last for 90-180 minutes. 17.05.2019 Focus Group
Focus Group In the focus groups, aim is to obtain extensive and thorough information about the matter in question. The main emphasis is on the perceptions, experiences and ideas of the individuals. This technique generally enables the participants to understand the matter more profoundly. One or more than one sessions can be organised with different participants. Each session ideally consists of 5-12 persons. Participants can be selected randomly or according to certain criteria in order to represent a wider audience. Although they have similarities, the focus group is not a “group interview” where interviewer asks questions to the group and participants give individual answers. Focus group is based on group discussion and it succeeds especially when participants discuss with one another on the matter. Therefore, the basic distinguishing feature of focus groups is that this understanding is highlighted and data are produced via the interaction among the participants. 17.05.2019 Focus Group
In performance audit, focus groups can be used for different purposes in various phases: For presenting the main problems concerning the audit field, determining the appropriate subjects or sorting these subjects during the selection of the subject; For further identifying the problems or testing the surveys or other methods to be used during the audit during the audit planning phase; For obtaining qualitative data or reaching more comprehensive information on the reasons and solution recommendations of the problems detected during the execution phase of the audit; For analysing the evidence or developing recommendations at the end of the execution phase of the audit. 17.05.2019 Focus Group
Application of the Focus Group Technique First of all, the aim is determined. The question of “What do we want to know and why?” will determine the aim. Aim should be presented in an open and clear manner for reachin the correct questions and obtaining the information needed. Planning is made. Planning of the session should start four weeks before the start of the event. Planning should include finding a convenient place for the session, determining the participants, forming the questions, inviting the participants and procuring the equipment necessary for the session. Participants are invited to the session. The aim, time and venue of the session are notified. Content and course of the session are determined. One guide and one observer are selected for the session. The guide chairs the session while the observer supervises the session, takes notes, observes non-verbal signs and body language and assists the guide. 17.05.2019 Focus Group
Application of the Focus Group Technique The guide is expected to do the following: Dynamising the discussion, Meeting the expectations of the group, Making the session environment comfortable and safe psychologically and physically, Using an informal, easygoing and witty style, Making the participants feel the group atmosphere, encouraging the expression of different ideas and recognising equal right to speak for everyone, Ensuring that participants stick to the subject of focus during the discussion, Creating an interactive discussion environment. 17.05.2019 Focus Group
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Focus Group Technique The subject is assessed from different perspectives. An abundant amount of quality information (evidence) is obtained.. An idea exercise of high quality is performed with respect to the subject. It facilitates coming to a conclusion. Weaknesses Since it generates only qualitative data, significant expertise is needed for interpretation. It is difficult to organise and manage. 17.05.2019 Focus Group
Sorular 17.05.2019 Focus Group 9