Mrs. Monacelli`s Class Week of November 7th Book We Read: What we did this week: Theme: We learned all About Families. What makes them the same and different. We talked about who is in our family and we drew our families using Mat Man as an example. We also did a family tree of our family. Math Centers: Counting beans to the correct number, Writing numbers 1-10, Learnpad counting robots and Number 7 in our workbooks with number 7 play dough mat. Letter of the week: Reviewing letters: L, T, I, F, E and H Number of the week: 7 Literacy Centers: We continued learning about other centers-Read to self and ABC letters centers-we then practiced working in these centers and rotating when the timer goes off to a new center. Next week we will learn out last center which is Uppercase and Lowercase matching. Writers workshop-Reviewed 3 ways to read a book, talked about how our finger can follow the words in the book and how the picture tells a story. We also learned the tools for writers workshop-folders, small pencils and crayons. Then we practiced drawing a picture and putting it in our folders, in the correct spot. Reminders/ Important Class Info Thank you for all the donations and volunteers for Grandparents Day. We are still looking to fill a few spots so please consider donating or volunteering. Please remember hats, gloves and jackets, as the weather gets colder-we go outside everyday! Reminder that if you child is Ill or has a fever, please keep them home until symptom free for 24 hours, without medication. Please refer to the handbook if you have any questions. Have a great weekend! ` Book We Read: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Turkey Seven Magic Hats Families Are Different Next Week Theme: Turkeys Next week`s Star: Raima