BE SUPER! Nevin Coppock 1st Grade 11-17-17 Mrs. Carus Week in Review Upcoming Events November 22-24 – No School December 7 – 1st Grade Music Performance 6:30 at THS Performing Arts Center December 8 – Pretzel Money Due December 13 – PIE Meeting 9:30 @ Broadway December 15 – Pretzel Day December 20 – Holiday party 10:30 January 3 – return from break Do you know that turkeys live in all US states but Alaska?! We read a non-fiction book All About Turkey and answered questions by playing Turkey Jeopardy! We read some fun fiction Thanksgiving books too, a favorite being Turk and Runt. Puppets helped us to retell the story! We worked with a small group to write a beginning, middle, end for our favorite Thanksgiving story. We talked about traditions and what our families do for Thanksgiving. We sorted items from long ago vs. today. We will watch “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” and write about what we are thankful for! Superhero Student Zachary Limbert Looking Ahead to Nov. 27th Theme: Reindeer Vowel Sound/Word Family: digraphs with short vowels Reading/Language Arts: possessive nouns and pronouns Math: Chapter 5 – addition and subtraction relationships Social Studies: cultures, families, celebrations November Birthdays Kellen-1, Maryn-11, Carter-12, Ciara-20, Maliegha-28, Holden-29 Next Week’s Related Arts Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. music gym --- Weekly Word Wall Words who which what each Notes from the Teacher *Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving! I am grateful And blessed to have the opportunity to teach these wonderful students!