- User support network activities – The European Commission – Eurostat - Information & dissemination (Unit B6)
I. Core business – major findings II. Development of user support network III. Promotional activities of Eurostat and the network IV. Other side-activities
Major findings First year: many technical and general requests Second year: types of users and requests clearly defined Third year: increase of complex requests General trend over these years: increase in number of requests
Number of requests 2004/2005: 21 917 2005/2006: 23 736 Major findings Number of requests 2004/2005: 21 917 2005/2006: 23 736 2006/2007: 24 910
Major findings Trends can be seen in relation to the seasons of the year; e.g. decrease of requests from the Academic world during winter and summer. Two user groups represent an increased figure of 75% of all requests; - Commercial companies (48%) - Academic world (27%)
Type of users Q4:2007 Commercial company/enterprise 43.2% Student or Academic 32.3% Public administration/Government 7.4% Private user 7.0% Other 2.7% Press and other media 3.0% National Statistical Institute 1.3% Political parties and political organisations EU institution/agency 0.8% International organisation 1.0%
Increase of complex requests (when Eurostat Production Units need to be consulted) 2004/2005: 1 478 2005/2006: 1 660 2006/2007: 1 767 Trend: more detailed questions, caused by the fact that the users cannot either find the data or metadata via the website or question the figures
Type of requests 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% Q4/2005 Q1/2006 Q2/2006 Q3/2006 Q4/2006 Q1/2007 Q2/2007 Availability of data/publication Technical requests Methodological requests Other Verification of data
Reporting respect deadlines for quarterly reports final technical report (see Art. I.5 of the agreement) final financial report
Development of user support network (April 2008) starting with 18 countries in Q4:2004 20 countries with grant contracts 3 countries via Phare program 3 countries with “gentlemen’s agreement”
Eurostat support on the web page
Promotional activities by the Network (supported by the grants) Fairs Events Web sites Conferences Presentations Mailings Close to the user!
Examples of Eurostat promotional activities 2007: European Business Summit, Brussels Brussels Economic Forum OECD Summit, Istanbul ISI Conference, Lisbon Europe Direct AGMs, Barcelona, Warsaw, Dublin EU open day, Brussels Frankfurt Book Fair Beyond GDP, Brussels Several conferences Various presentations (on demand)