The Move North Lesson starter. Why did many Americans want an end to immigration by the 20th century? (4 marks) Remember a four mark question requires four separate sentences with a separate point in each.
Today we will… Understand why many Black Americans chose to move to Northern cities Understand the problems they faced in The North
Black Americans were concentrated in the Southern states Owners of large cotton plantations had bought slaves to pick cotton This slavery was widely accepted in the South The Northern states had more modern attitudes; they believed slavery was wrong This division was the cause of the American Civil War in the 19th century
Slaves on a cotton plantation, Texas
When WWI broke out in 1914, factories in the North desperately needed workers Black Americans were encouraged to go north now that European immigration was restricted They jumped at the chance
Why leave the South? Black people could be beaten and killed by whites Blacks were 2nd class citizens Blacks paid less than whites Blacks faced discrimination on a daily basis
Problems Black Americans faced in the North Still faced racism regularly Any whites thought they were above Black Americans Segregated into black communities Forced into poor ghetto housing So…things were better in the North BUT by no means perfect
The Tulsa Riot Read page 25 of the Free at Last? Textbook Create a mind map or spider diagram on the Tulsa Riots of 1921