Public Health Initiatives Estonia Elis Haan, Ministry of Social Affairs Norway Grants 2009-2014
Supported activities General objective: Improved public health and reduced health inequalities Main focus is on improving and developing children´s mental health field in Estonia Development of mental health services Training specialists and increasing their competency in health and non-health sector Promotion of healthy behaviours and prevention of substance abuse and health problems (including mental health) through social campaigns, trainings and development of guidelines for local governments Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
Programme implementation scheme 4 pre-defined projects Establishing Children´s Mental Health Centre Developing and piloting the rehabilitation services for children with severe mental health problems Developing a concept for integrated services to improve children´s mental health Reducing communicable diseases in Estonian detention facilities 3 Open Calls Service network for the provision of integrated social education and health services for children with mental health problems 3 projects received funding Web-based information sources and counselling services on mental and reproductive health Social marketing campaigns on healthy lifestyles and training on health in all policies in non-health sectors 4 projects recieved funding
Current status of the programme 4 projects will finish by the end of 2015 4 projects will finish by April 2016 6 projects will be extended until January 2017 Extension is based on national priorities regarding to developing children´s mental health system in Estonia
Bilateral cooperation Seminars/conferences and study tours Developing quality system for child psychiatry services (UK system adapted in Norway) Establishing mental health advocacy organization in Estonia (The Norwegian Association of Youth Mental Health is involved) Preparing a cohort study platform (in example of MoBA – NIPH)
Promotional activities Bringing mental health into discussion in the society Cooperation with project promoters, spoke persons and interest groups in Estonia (actors/actress) Mental health related movie programme in Black Nights Film Festival in 2016 Video about programme activities and results Impact assessment of the programme - guaranteeing sustainability of current programme activities Thinking about the new Norway Grants period