Lesson 35 Role of Technology-II
Chapter Learning Objectives This Lecture deals with; Technology Industrial Technology Technological Development in Industry The Development & Transfer of Technology Training Programmes Publications
Technology Technology is the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, and procedures.
Industrial Technology It is the field concerned with the application of basic engineering principles and technical skills in support of industrial engineers and managers. Industrial Technology programs typically include instruction in optimization theory, human factors, organizational behavior, industrial processes, industrial planning procedures, computer applications, and report and presentation preparation
Industrial Technology….. The application of industrial technology, as indeed of all technologies, is a means to an end, the end being the development goals of each country. An appropriate technology path has therefore to be derived from the development goals adopted. Industrial development is a centre piece of the development process.
Technological Development in Industry A major subject of study is technological development in industry. This has been defined as: The introduction of new tools and techniques for performing given tasks in production, distribution, data processing (etc.); The mechanization of the production process, or the achievement of a state of greater autonomy of technical production systems from human control, responsibility, or intervention;
Continued… Changes in the nature and level of integration of technical production systems, or enhanced interdependence; The development, utilization, and application of new scientific ideas, concepts, and information in production and other processes; and Enhancement of technical performance capabilities, or increase in the efficiency of tools, equipment, and techniques in performing given tasks.
Technology is in fact not applied in isolation Technology is in fact not applied in isolation but as part of the performance of one economic activity or another which contributes to development. in such activity, say industrial development, technology is again applied, not alone, but matching with investment, skills, resources and other related factors, in other words, the application of industrial technology cannot be divorced from the total context of industrial development.
Technology is in fact not applied in isolation….. When considering industrial technology, and for that matter any technology a balance has therefore to be struck between considering it is the abstract and treating it as totally indistinguishable from the economic activity itself. To strike such a balance between these two trends, either of which by itself is likely to be misleading. There is a close interrelationship between industry & technology in general.
The Development & Transfer of Technology The Development & Transfer of Technology has several aspects – policy aspects, institutional aspects, enterprise level considerations, skills, training, investment, feasibility studies etc. Sometime activities relating to the development and transfer of technology can be carried out as distinct and separate activities e.g. assisting in the establishment of a research institute or a national office for transfer of technology.
Training Programmes Training programmes especially aimed at providing capability to acquire, evaluate and manage industrial technology.
Training Programmes….. SMEDA organizes training programs, seminars, workshops and conferences of short duration in major cities across the country for raising awareness and capacity building of SMEs. These need based training programs are affordable, appropriate and innovative. These programs are aimed at improving knowledge, skills and competencies in the technical, marketing, financial, compliance, policy, regulatory, legal, commercial and other important functions.
Training Programmes….. These programs help to improve major performance indicators such as productivity, quality, competitiveness and sustainability etc. The results include improvement in export potential, investment promotion, business transparency, human resource development, managerial capacity building etc. These programs help decreasing the level of SME mortality and increasing efficiency.
Publications Publication on ways and means to promote technological and industrial co-operation among developed and developing countries, identification of projects that can be implemented with the technical resources of those countries. The intensification of courses on technological and industrial management, including industrial technological information in accordance with needs of each country.
Thanks you Happy Learning, Keep Learning